Chapter 3: Happy Treason Day

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Over the past few months, Mr. Thomas and I have grown much closer. We still attempt to keep each other at arm's distance but we are now able to joke with each other freely. He keeps me working very hard, sometimes late into the evening. He has never failed, after doing so, to make sure I arrive back home safely. He has started coming to the library on days he knows I am working. The first time this happened, he very much enjoyed the fluster that he elicited from my cheeks.

He would sit across from the main desk and, every once in a while, my eyes would wander over and lock eyes with his. Those intensely blue eyes and the look on his face never failed to make me look away with a deep heat in my face.

Before he left, I was sure to stop him and question him about the sudden need for this library. I must admit, it felt good to finally see the flush in his cheeks match that of my own. He, of course, came up with some excuse and I took the immediate opportunity to tease him.

"You know what I think, Professor?" I smiled, watching him pull on his overcoat, "I think I'm finally growing on you."

I laughed as he half-smirked, "Like mold on my favorite cheese."

We both laughed as he headed back out into the blustery London weather.

Thanksgiving Day in America is a severely melancholy day for me. Just a few years ago, this morning would have been filled with laughter as my mother and I ran around the house preparing breakfast before starting on the massive feast that would take place later in the day. I always missed my parents but the holidays made the hurt travel much deeper. I have already spent much of the morning reminiscing in tears. Today was just another Thursday in London but I was thankful to have the day off, nonetheless.

Following my old traditions as I always have, I place a batch of homemade biscuits in the oven as my cell phone rings. I crinkle my nose as I walk over and grab it from the counter. Who could that be?

Unable to stop the grin that parts my lips as I see the caller ID and photo, I answer, "Do you not remember I have the day off? Can you not make it one day without me?"

I can sense his smile, "Change of plans, Y/N. I need you to come straight to the office. I am swamped trying to get ready for finals."

"Professor, I am in the middle of making breakfast, but you are welcome to join me and then I will consider coming to the office," I smile.

There are several moments of silence, before Mr. Thomas speaks up, "I'll be over momentarily." The line goes quiet.

I can't help but smile. Getting so wrapped up in my cooking, I forget to change out of my pajamas until there is a knock at my door. I blush as I look down at my purple tank top and gray sweatpants. My hair is in a horrendous messy bun. Hopefully, he looks heinous too. Yeah right. The man is an Adonis.

"Uhum! Hold on a sec!!" I yell as I look around my room for a quick outfit, "Shit!" I can smell my biscuits starting to burn.

I run to the door and yank it open, not stopping to look at Mr. Thomas for fear of instant death by embarrassment before running back into the kitchen. I can hear him close behind me as he leans against the doorframe of my kitchen. As I pull the biscuits out of the oven, I land a severe burn on my palm, a yelp escaping my lips. I throw the biscuits onto the top of the stove before starting to stir the sausage gravy on the stove which splatters on my arm. I am acutely aware of how silent Mr. Thomas has been up to this point.

The instant I groan from the gravy scalding my arm, Mr. Thomas makes his way over to me, grabbing a rag from the sink, "You're such a messy thing, aren't you?" His long nimble fingers carefully cleanse and cover the burn on both my palm and arm.

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