Chapter 10: The Decision

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The ride back to Tom's flat was spent in an uncomfortable silence. Glancing over, I see his jaw clenched so tight, the veins are popping in his neck. I reach out and grip his hand lightly before sensing him relax.

When he puts the car in park, he gets out and opens my door, placing his strong hand on my lower back. Gently, he guides me inside. The second the door shuts, I can not stop the tears that swell in my eyes.

"Tom," I whisper, closing the gap between us.

"Y/N. I can't... I won't lose you again," he whispers quietly, never looking into my eyes as he shakes his head. After several minutes, he drags his eyes from the floor and searches mine for some unspoken answer. "Last time almost ruined me."

I nod, "Tom, I can't allow you to jeopardize everything you have worked so hard for. If we love each other as much as we believe, we will be able to stand being apart for only a few months."

"No!" He shouts, causing me to step back. "You promised me that no matter what, we agreed that we would stay together!"

I can no longer hide my frustration as my own volume increases, "Well that's kind of shot to hell now, don't you think?!? None of the options we were given allow us that luxury!"

"Do you not think I know that?!?" He retorts, sitting on the couch, running his hand through his hair, defeated.

The eyes that look up at me are full of hurt and brokenness. He releases a breath, silently pleading with me as he sits back. I bite my lip, fighting back tears as I gently sit in his lap. His strong arms wrap around me instantly, pulling me as close as possible.

"I'm sorry," I whisper before looking into his eyes. His eyebrows crease in confusion. "If I would have just locked that damn door, none of this would be happening."

"Shhh," he whispers, placing his forehead against mine, "I have no one to blame but myself. I got us into this mess. I couldn't hold myself to a professional level with you. Now you are suffering."

Something in the way he said that causes a deep aching in my chest. I lean back slightly, "Do... Do you regret us?"

He stays silent for a brief moment, refusing to meet my eyes which is more than enough for me. I jump up from his lap, "Tom?!? You do! You regret being with me!"

He looks up, heartbreak evident on his face as I search his eyes for some sign that I am mistaken. "Y/N," he whispers, "I don't regret us, never that. I regret the way we happened."

I nod in anguished understanding, "I...umm..." I blink back tears as my heart threatens to come out of my throat. "I think I should go."

Tom quickly stands and pulls me into his arms, "Please don't. Don't leave like this."

I pull away without another word before making my way to the door. I hear his choked sob calling my name as I shut the door. Tears stream down my face as I step into a taxi and take the silent ride home. Looking around at my small apartment, it looks like nothing belongs here without Tom. I crawl into my bed and let out the silent screams I've harbored for the last several hours. Sleep slowly overtakes me and I do not fight it.

The moment my eyes open, I know what I am going to do. I call the dean as I begin packing up my apartment, "Hi Dean Mitchell, thank you for your discretion in these recent events. We have decided that I will be transferring for the remaining of my semesters."

"We will hate to lose you, but I'm sure this will be for the best. Please feel free to reach back out to us once you have graduated should you need anything." His voice is soft, sincere, and understanding.

I pack for the next few hours before there is a timid knock on my door. I take a deep breath knowing, without a doubt, that my heartbroken professor stands on the other side.

I slowly open the door and find him staring at his feet as they shuffle, "May I come in?"

Nodding, I open the door and step to the side. He enters quickly and looks around at my things being packed. When his eyes travel back to mine, he carefully reaches out to me. I let my hand slip into his. "So it's true?" he whispers. I look up into his eyes. "I called to give my resignation but Dean Mitchell told me that we had decided you would transfer until graduation."

"Tom, it's the only way. Please don't make this any harder than it already is," I say, looking down.

He places his long fingers beneath my chin and lifts my face to meet his, "Y/N, I love you, and if this is what it takes to prove that to you- so be it." He smiles softly, "But you will stay at my house in the country. I will not allow you to stay on campus or try to find another flat where I must share you with a possible roommate."

"Tom, I can't. What about a car? What about the bills? Wha-"

He cuts me off with a soft kiss, "We will figure that all out later."

I laugh softly as he places a gentle but hungry kiss on my lips, "My god, I've missed that." His voice comes out in a low growl that ignites something within me.

I feel my tongue slide gently over his as I deepen the kiss and a soft moan escapes me, "Then you have a lot to make up for."

His body closes the small gap that remains between us as he pushes me against the wall, his mouth hungry and wanting. His strong hands begin pulling at my clothes as he devours my neck and collarbone. My body is on fire and wants every inch of him against me, beneath me, above me, and within me.

I hurriedly pull him into the bedroom, my hands making quick work of his clothes. We leave them piled on the floor at the foot of the bed before he is on top of me. His mouth crashes on mine, making me moan. He uses this opportunity to slip his tongue over mine. They dance together, tasting one another as his hand slips down, cupping my mound before slipping a finger into me. My back arches wanting, needing more.

I whimper, the heat pooling in my core.

The devilish grin that curls upon those beautiful lips is sinful, "Say please."

"Please, Professor!" I moan as he bucks his fingers in and out.

"Oh, please what? My dear, beautiful one?" he smiles.

"Fuck me!" I all but scream.

He slows very deliberately, "No," he whispers, eliciting a sigh from my lips as I tremble. "I need you to feel my love," he whispers with his lips hovering just above mine.

He positions himself above me and slowly pushes until he fills me completely. I sigh loudly before pulling him down into a loving kiss. He holds himself still and kisses my neck and collarbone before starting to move slowly. He gradually begins to increase his movements, keeping his eyes locked with mine. My hands grip his back as he begins to go harder.

"Tom," I groan, "I need to... I'm so close," I cry.

He smiles at me before kissing underneath my chin and moving to my ear, "Let go for me," he whispers. I feel his hand reach down and slowly circle my clit causing me to buck. Every muscle in my core clenches before I am screaming his name. He groans loud and trembles as he erupts within me before collapsing on top of me.

"God, Y/N, how am I going to let you go?" He whispers, his hand stroking my face gently as he lays his head on my breast.

"It's only for a little while," I smile before leaning down to kiss him. We spend the next few hours wrapped around one another before getting up and packing.

Tom stays with me the rest of the week until it is time for me to start moving things into the country house. I finish the semester at arms distance with him at the request of Dean Mitchell. We spend Christmas just the two of us there in the quiet and peaceful space that is now ours- despite the pleas from his family to join them again.

The day Tom leaves to head back to London, I watch him from the front stoop. I am not sure the next time my professor will be back for me. We discussed the fact that he has had to double his classes and refused another aide- multiplying his workload exponentially.

I put aside any thoughts of misery before getting in the small car Tom purchased for me and making the drive to my new school for my final semester.

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