Chapter 6: Hiddleston Christmas

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The next few weeks seem to fly by, ushering in the end of the semester. Tom and I stay very busy grading assignments, working late shifts in the library, preparing for Christmas, and spending any free time we have together.

We decided it would be easier for him to stay at my flat last night so that we can leave first thing this morning. Christmas this year will be at his father's home in Scotland. His mother and sisters will be meeting us there. He explained that they divorced many years ago but still get together on the holidays.

Tom has elected to take the train from London to Edinburgh so that I may see the countryside. I wake up, my heart bounding with excitement. I lean over to kiss his face, "Rise and shine, sleepy head." His response is a simple grunt before I yank the covers off and receive a scowling face from Professor Hiddleston.

Finally, after several cups of coffee and a quick breakfast, I managed to get us out the door and on the way to the train station. We are shown to a beautiful, private car and settle in for the 2-hour ride to Edinburgh.

The trip is, by far, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! Snow blankets the ground and the mountains. I was able to catch several glimpses of wildlife playing in the mountains. Tom, undoubtedly amused by my amazement and wonder, kept his eyes glued to me for the duration of the trip. "Happy Christmas, my dear," he whispers as I settle back into his arms.

"Merry Christmas, Professor," I grin and lean up, kissing his cheek, feeling it blush beneath my lips.

"Careful, darling," he growls in my ear, his lips brushing my ear- sending a shiver through me, "I rather like the sound of that on your lips."

I blush hard, laughing, and shake my head before turning my attention back to the captivating landscape passing outside our window.

As we arrive at the platform, Tom's father is there to greet us. "Hello, old man! Happy Christmas!" Tom embraces his father with a large smile before turning to me, "Dad, this is my aide for the next couple years, Y/N Y/L/N." Tom stands with his hand on my back while his father looks me over.

"Thomas," he scowls, "When you phoned to tell us you were bringing someone home for Christmas, you failed to mention how absolutely beautiful she is," he winks at Tom. This proves where Tom's mischievousness stems from. He turns to me smiling, "Hello, young lady. My name is James." He kisses my hand gently, "It is a pleasure to meet you. Now, if you would be so kind as to escort me back to the car- Thomas can get the bags."

"Yes sir," I laugh and look back at a defeated Tom and I slip my arm into that of his father's. Mr. James and I wait while Tom loads the car before we make the 2-hour, familiar drive to Greenock. I remain quiet and take in the view I have missed so dearly as Mr. James and Tom talk in the front seat. Every once in a while, Tom slips his hand between the seat and the door, brushing it over my knee and smiling at me from the side mirror.

When we arrive, I am hugely taken aback at the size of the home before me. It is so large and beautifully sculpted. I stand in awe, my eyes roaming over the large property. Mr. James smiles and touches my back to begin guiding me inside, "This home has been in my family for generations. I hope you will be comfortable here. I expect you to make yourself at home." He guides me inside, "Tom will give you the grand tour shortly, but he tells me you are rather fond of books?"

"Oh yes, sir!! I love them!" I nod, excitedly.

"Well, that's just luck. Tom's mother and sisters are in the library." He turns to Tom, "Thomas, bring in the lady's bags while I introduce her to your mother and sisters!" He steals me away again, walking into a large room that has books lining every inch of the walls.

The ProfessorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant