Chapter 12: Professor and Professor Hiddleston

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My heart catches in my throat as you step inside the boardroom. You told me you had a few interviews but hadn't mentioned anything else. Something... something else seems off. You look slightly green like you've been sick. I simply assume you are nervous about the interview.

I am pulled out of my shocked state to Dean Mitchell calling my name, "Professor Hiddleston... are you with us?" He smiles at me with a smugness I've grown quite fond of over the years. "I believe you are acquainted with Miss Y/N Y/L/N?"

You smile softly, "Professor," you nod to me. "Dean Mitchell," you smile at him before acknowledging the other professors in the room.

Your red lipstick makes your lips and beautiful smile stand out. There is something odd about how your skirt and blazer jacket pull at your middle that I hadn't noticed before. Still, you are ravishing.

Our interview goes swimmingly. Dean Mitchell looks at me before asking the other interviewers to step out. As they exit, you avoid my eyes as you pop a piece of ginger candy in your mouth. Weird... She usually hates ginger.

Dean Mitchell looks down the table to me, "If we decide to move forward and hire you, Miss Y/N, should I expect to receive some paperwork formally informing of a relationship between faculty?"

You smile broadly as I quickly interject, "Of course."

"In that case," he smiles, "Miss Y/L/N, because you have continued to be at the top of your class at Oxford, we are proud to offer you the position of Professor of Literature and Co-Director of Interpretive Arts. You will work very closely with Professor Hiddleston."

The smile on your face grows wider with every passing moment as tears fill your eyes. The pride swelling in my chest threatens to make me explode. It takes every fiber of my being to keep myself seated.

"We will," he continues as he rises from his seat, "Discuss your leave later."

Dean Mitchell walks around the table to shake your hand and whispers something in your ear before kissing your cheek in a fatherly way. What did he mean your leave?

I can no longer contain myself as I almost leap over the table to wrap you in my arms. "Congratulations, my love! I am so proud of you but why didn't you tell me you were after my job," I tease happily.

"I wanted to surprise you but that's not all," you smile, almost glowing.

You take my hand and gently pull me to the outside of my old classroom- your new home. "Close your eyes," you smile mischievously.

"What are you up to?" I can't help but laugh.

"Close. Your. Eyes, Professor," You grit your teeth stubbornly.

I obediently close my eyes as you take my hands and pull me through the doors, "I have a couple more secrets I've been keeping." I swallow hard, getting slightly nervous while you continue, "I accepted this job 2 weeks ago when Dean Mitchell called me."

"WH..." I begin to open my eyes.

"NO PEEKING!!" You screech with laughter. You let go of my hand and I can tell by the way your shadow crosses my eyes that you have faced me toward the blackboard and stood beside it. "Ok, you can open them!"

Tears immediately flood my eyes and my heart is in my throat. You looking quite ill, eating ginger candy, your slightly tight clothing... of course!!

"INTRO TO FATHERHOOD 101" is written across the board with my beautiful girl standing beside it, your hand cupping your tiny bump.

"Y/N?" I hear my voice croak. "I'm... I'm... I'm going to be a dad?"

Tears swim in your eyes as you walk to me, "You're gonna be a daddy."

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