Chapter 11: Professor's Perspective

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As I glance into my rearview mirror to see my lovely girl watch me drive away, the aching and longing in my chest grow almost unbearable. I am acutely aware that my heart is remaining stationary on the stoop of our country cottage.

Watching the falter of my love's countenance when I told you about my workload for the next semester nearly broke any resolve I had to allow you to finish this semester away from me. When you traveled abroad, I thought I would never recover. This will be good for us, you assured me, but I can not help the desire within me to have you near.

I find myself constantly checking my phone as I make the excruciating drive back to London... This will be a very long 6 months.

I arrive back at my flat and start my preparations for classes to start tomorrow. It is amazing how a single missing element makes my home for so long feel like I no longer belong. I prep my own bloody syllabus which is something you always did, causing the ache to return. I wonder how your first day is going. You call me right before you head to bed and the last thing I hear is the sound of your soft breathing as you drift to sleep. How and when did I ever fall so hard and so fast for this woman?

*DING* I snatch my phone from the table of my quiet, chilly office. "Hey, handsome! Just wanted to wish you luck on your first day! Things here are a little more difficult without you. I love you!" I do not wish to stifle the smile that floods both my face and my heart.

"My dearest, Y/N, I miss you more than I may possibly convey. I do hope you find some comfort and joy in your classes. I fear that these 6 months may be my ruin. I love you! Yours, Tom."

Just as I thought, you respond, "Still don't have to sign your texts, love."

I smile and place my phone in my pocket. Time to get back to work.

Our days and nights run pretty much the same course for the next several weeks. Classes, calls, texts, an occasional video call... you are staying extremely busy working on your dissertation for graduation and I am swamped now having to handle everything on my own... How did I ever do this before you?

January passes at a snail's pace as you and I try to settle into our new routine. Dean Mitchell has taken to coming by my office just to check in and to see how you are faring at Oxford. I know that this decision was not easy for my friend. It really was my own fault... Y/N... the face you made when you thought I meant we were a mistake... I almost lost you. I will never let that happen. I want you with me every day, all the time. I feel so lost and empty when we are apart... Bullocks, I NEED you.

I plan a surprise trip for the weekend before your birthday and Valentine's Day. It takes everything within me to not spoil the surprise as I pack the night before leaving. You video call me.

"Tom, why are you packing?" you ask suspiciously.

"I have to go out of town for the weekend. Dean Mitchell has asked that I attend one of the conferences for the university this weekend," I lie, trying to keep a straight face.

The disappointment in your voice as you mutter, "Oh," makes my chest ache... I'll be there soon, my love.

We only talk for a few more minutes before I notice the dark circles beneath your still-beautiful eyes. "You should get some rest, my love. I will call you in the morning."

You must have been exhausted because there is no argument from your usually stubborn lips as you nod and rub your face, "I love you, Tom. I think you're right. I'll talk to you in the morning."

"Goodnight, my dear." I smile and watch as you lay down on the bed. Waiting until you are good and asleep, I admire you for several moments... my Y/N.

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