Waves and Rocks

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*Flash back*

"Thanks for coming out with me Lucas." May said looking at her friends through the pouring rain.

Lucas just smiled and nodded his head towards May before looking back at the water around him.

The two were currently waiting for the next swell to come in, chatting away the time. The current storm had brought major swells to Suston and May Fletcher wasn't going to miss it.

Lucas looked at his best friends wife with a smile, Braxton had insisted that if May was going to surf these swells she needed a surf buddy to go with her.

So here they were, out in the middle of the ocean waiting for the next swell , talking about her children's friendship.

"Wade finish that school project yet?" Lucas asked.

May shook her head.

"No, Kaya?"

Lucas laughed.

"The first day she got home, Emma insisted she did it early."

May just smiled, "maybe I should take parenting advice from Emma."

Lucas shook his head and opened his mouth to say something but the water churned beneath their feet. Both surfers braced on their board and looked back.

"Here comes the set!" May shouted over the growing noise from the storm.

"Best sets always come when you're talking!" Lucas shouted back.

The two paddled forward to keep out of the break, their bodies being carried towards the rocks.

"We've got to keep paddling to the right!" May shouted.

Lucas only nodded and paddled after her. His face wet with the rain and the salt water, he kept paddling.

"You gonna catch any waves?" May asked, over her shoulder to Lucas.

"No! I'm only here to watch over you!" Lucas shouted up to her.

May just rolled her eyes and began to paddle to match the speed of the wave. Popping up she dropped into the wave and Lucas lost sight of her.

Moments passed and Lucas still couldn't see her head.

"May!?" He shouted, but screaming was almost no use in the noise of the storm.

Panic'd he scanned around for her.

She's a good swimmer, he kept telling himself and he kept scanning the ocean for her.

Somewhere between him searching for May and the shouting he let himself drift toward the "no go" zone of the beach. Best waves but the harshest bails. You get off wrong and you're in a rock.

There in the foam of the crashes Lucas noticed his friends board, Panic'd he paddled. Hoping to get there in time.

Waves carrying him closer to the rocks, he underestimated their power as they pushed him along. Along and right into the sharp grey rocks.

A large crack could be heard, coming from his back as he shouted out in pain. His mouth formed the words to shout for help but he was already under.

It wouldn't have mattered anyways. Who was listening? There were no guards on the beach, his wife was at home with his daughter Kaya and his best friend was at home with his son Wade.

Lungs burning, eyes searching the bottom of the ocean he saw her body, lifeless being tossed by the under-carry of the waves. He tried to move to her, he tried to swim up for air, but nothing would move.

The people who recovered their bodies the next day said that both May and Lucas died from the force impact of the rocks. Their boards were recovered about 5 miles down the coast that morning as well.

Their deaths changed the whole community for a month as they mourned their loss. But no one felt it as much as their children.

Wade, Mays son, stopped talking. Shut himself out and ironically surfed more than before. Even as he got older he still wouldn't talk about the incident, or even about his mother. But he became one hell of a surfer, but also became what some parents called "a trouble child."

Kaya, Lucass daughter, at first couldn't comprehend what happened, didn't understand that her father wasn't coming home. As she got older she became a lifeguard, quickly proving to be one of the best Suston Beach has ever seen. Becoming the head guard, she took the time and sat in the lifeguard tower every storm, just in case someone tried to surf out there in a storm again.

Everyone says that their actions came from the death of their parents, that there was a reason they choose the paths they did.

But the biggest change of them all, no one could understand...

The day they found out their parents had died, Kaya and Wade stopped being friends.

The two little beach blonde kids, people used to mistake for family no longer got along. They rarely spoke to each other, but when they did it was a mix of yelling, screaming, and profanity.

Shocking the entire community.

Words: 846

Hello my guards and surfer friends! I know this opening chapter is not very good but hey, I like it so we'll keep it. First present day chapter coming soon. Hang in there beach babies 🤙

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