Farmers Market

976 18 4

*Wade's P.O.V*

I woke up early, the house was completely silent. So silent the waves could be heard crashing on the shore line.

Sure waking up to a peaceful house was nice, but I hated it. Because that meant I had to get ready quietly, with my dad it was easier because he was far down the hall but Kaya was practically next door.

It was her only day off meaning she got to sleep in rather than getting up and going to the beach.

Though this Sunday was mine and Kayas only day off, that didn't mean that the beach and pools weren't up and running.

The direct line to all offices, pools, and the beach was downstairs in the kitchen and if there truly was an emergency it would be heard throughout the entire house and in my car.

I've only heard it go off 4 times in my entire life. When I was younger I used to watch my dad sprint out of his room and get in the car and speed off. As I got older I began to run by his side down to the emergency.

I put on a plan white shirt and some shorts and carefully shut my bedroom door, trying desperately to make no loud noises.

I wanted her to sleep in as long as possible. She deserved it.

Walking down the hall I slowly opened Kaya's door just a crack. 

She was still fast asleep in her bed. Her blonde hair sprawled out a crossed the pillow, chest slowly rise and falling. I smiled looking at her, grateful she was sleeping in on her day off.

She just looked so peaceful. Like all the stress she ever felt was gone as she slept there.

I shut the door with a click and walked downstairs, grabbing my car keys then heading out to my car. Again being as silent as I could possibly be.

We were in desperate need of groceries so my first stop was the farmers market.

It was still early but I was able to get the basics: fruits, veggies, eggs, milk, bread, cheese, meat, mushrooms, and some spices we were missing.

A majority of that should fill up our fridge for now.

"Good morning Wade." One of the sellers called to me.

I turned and looked at the lady who called my name. Mrs. Baker, she owned the bee production around Suston, she was also a close friend to my mom before her passing.

"Morning Mrs. Baker." I said with a smile turning toward her pop up. I didn't need any honey but it wouldn't hurt to stop for a chat.

"No father today?" She asked looking around the outdoor market for him.

I shook my head and fiddled with the bag full of groceries in my hands.

"No he's been out of town for quite sometime now." I stated with a small smile.

My dad being gone really had effected everyday life, it also stressed me and Kaya out to no end and trying to act like everything between us was normal was making things worse.

"I thought I hadn't seen him around as much." Mrs baker said with a nod.

Mrs. Baker sighed and I smiled at her, she was and older lady one you could tell had spent her days at the beach... and with bees.

"Now but that girl I've seen you driving around with... you better be keeping that one Wade, I like Kaya."  She said pointing a finger at me.

I laughed uncomfortably unsure whether the topic made me feel uncomfortable or the fact that she knew I didn't keep girls made me uncomfortable.

"She's just a friend Mrs. Baker." I assured her. But as the lips came off my mouth they felt like a sort of lie.

"And if thats going to change then you better keep her."

My breath hitched in my throat as I was not aware how to reply. I felt taken aback. Was it that obvious?

I would never throw Kaya out, she was too good for that, not like the other guys might.

I'm the one that would be there.

Because that's what she means to me-

I froze as the thoughts piled up in my head.

Mrs. Baker smiled and looked at me content.

"Grow a pair and ask her out Wade."

I looked at her still dumbfounded not sure how to respond. Something in me couldn't bring myself to say I would, I wasn't at that level with Kaya.

But still I couldn't say that the reason I hated Brandon wasn't because he and her are.... close.

I sucked in a breath and pulled my car keys out of my pocket and looked at Mrs. Baker one last time.

"Have a good day Mrs. Baker." I said promptly with a smile before beelining it to my car.

I stopped to pick up oil and an oil filter on my way home but other than that I made no extra stops, something within my told me it was urgent that I got home and got Kaya breakfast.

Opening the front door I realized she was still asleep, the house was dead silent.

It was 10 in the morning. Jesus, she must be really tired. She never slept in this late.

Placing a small thing of toast and fruit on a tray I walked up stairs to Kaya's and opened the door with a knock.

"Morning babe." I said waking her up, a smile on my face.

She rolled over in bed and looked at me slightly confused as I walked over to her bed and put the tray of food down.

Words: 948

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