This is a Bad Idea

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*Kaya's P.O.V*

I ripped off my soaking wet rash guard and looked at Wade. Something within me flipped like a switch.

He was no longer the person who irritated me and broke the rules, he was Wade, the boy I'd grown up with, shared so many childhood memories with, the guy I lov-

"I can't seem to say no to you tonight, can I?" I said with a smirk looking back at Wade.

To distract myself from my thoughts I walked further into the water. When I relized Wade wasn't following I turned to look at him.

He nodded his head slightly, walking about half way in before he had other plans.

He came up behind me wrapping his hands around my waist and dunking me under water with him.

Under the water I held my breath, Wade's grip still tight on my waist. The same grip that brought me under the water pushed me back up to the surface.

Once my face was above water, and I was able to breath I opened my eyes to the dark night sky.

"Wade." I shouted in slight shock from being drug under so fast without warning.

Wade let go of my waist and I turned around to face him.

Wade let out laughter that was so God damn contagious and for the first time in forever I watched as his face lit up into a full smile, and I smiled back. Dimples forming on each side of my mouth as I laughed.

"Watch your back Kaya." Wade said cracking a joke, the smile still stuck on his face.

Though I hadn't seen the smile in years, I'd never forgotten the way it looked.

It was perfect, a perfect smile, that everytime made you smile too.

Running my best through the water as fast as I could, I tackled Wade. Wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "You watch your back Wa-"

I didn't get the full sentence in before my tackle took Wade backwards underwater, but he quickly came up placing is hands under my thighs to hold me up.

The water was up to his shoulders now and I knew it was to deep for me to stand without treading water.

Wade kept holding my body up, my legs still wrapped around him clinging to his body heat in the cold night water.

As his laughter died down and turned to just a smile, I became overly aware of how close our faces were and our... bodies.

Wade looked at me straight in the eyes, the smile slowly dying down too and mine doing the same.

Our breath became heavy and our faces became closer. I watched as Wade's eyes drifted down to my lips then back up to look at me.

One of his hands slid up from my under thigh, past my butt, up to my suit tie.

My breath hitched in my throat as he did this. My heart began to race and some part of me panic'd.

"Wade." I said softly, "this is a bad idea."

I felt his grip tighten on my back and my thigh as his face became so close I could feel his lips brush mine.

"I know." He said roughly before forcing our lips together.

Wade pulled me closer as our lips moved together, something in my mind told me to pull away but I couldn't... I wouldn't.

I felt his hand move through my suit strap, and suddenly I felt no bikini top.

I pulled away from the kiss suddenly and lifted my hand up to my chest in surprise.

I looked at Wade who was confident holding up my top, just far enough away do it was out of reach.

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