You and Me

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*P.O.V Kaya*

Look there are times when you love and you hate your job.

I think all jobs have that relationship.

Especially life guards.

There is something so rewarding about saving someone and doing good in the world.

But there are also days when you're staring at a little trouble maker and half wishing he'd start drowning so you can save him and teach him a lesson.

Today wasn't one of those days.

Today was a rewarding day.

"So what is it that you guys exactly do up here?" Cole asked

I smiled at him.

Today was his first day off bed rest and he was aloud to come hang in the life guard tower. He had to be in a wheelchair of course, but it was nice to have him alive and around.

"Well we watch the water, listen to the radio set, and make sure no one needs help." I explained

Cole just nodded his head, moving forward on his wheel chair he looked out at the water.

"I wish I could get back out there." He said longingly

I looked at him with sorrow.  It had to be hard, being stuck on land.

I hadn't really had a chance to get to know Cole that much until now.

It turns out he was a total water kid, he did anything water wise. He wasn't only missing surfing but swimming, water pool, and deep diving.

Although young, he had an impressive water resume

"Well lucky for you." I said as I sat down in my seat, "doc says you'll be water ready in a year."

He nodded his head, not saying much.

As crushing as it was for him to be out of the water he understood how lucky he was. He could be paralyzed, bed ridden, or worst... dead.

Being on land for a year was lucky.

"Do you like being a lifeguard?" Cole asked picking up a pack on the table

I nodded my head.

"Its fun, sometimes scary, but fun."

"I like scary." Cole said almost under his breath

"Oh trust me Cole, I know." I replied

Just as I did Clem walked into the office, she had her usual smile on her face and her hair pulled back.

She was a mid today, so she didn't have to do any of the actual guarding jobs just help out.

"Hey, you got waters?"

I gestured to the mini fridge and Clem opened it.

"Oh also boss says you're off for the rest of the night." I looked at her confused.

Clem looked back at me and just shrugged.

"Wade can't just decide when I am and I am not at work." I explained with a slight eye roll

Now it was Clems turn to look at me confused.

"It wasn't Wade." She said slowly

Now I was really confused, I leaned forward in my seat and looked at her.

"It was Braxton."

I kind of chuckled

"Clem Braxton's not in town for 3 days. It couldn't have been Braxton."

She shook her head and pierced her lips together.

Cole looked between us both, confused about what was happening.

"No, Kaya, I literally just saw him."


"On the street, he stopped me and said 'tell Kaya's she's off i'll meet her at home."

"Bull shit." I said standing up and taking off my pack

Clem just laughed slightly to her self, grabbing my radio to take over as head guard.

I turned to leave but saw Cole and stopped in my tracks.


"Hey I'm sorry, could you have your mom pick you up?" I said guilt creeping up within me.

It was rude to just leave Cole here, but he shrugged and pulled out his phone.

"Don't sweat it." Was all he said before calling his mom.

I gave a nod of approval before rushing out of the towel and down onto the side walk.

As I ran across the hot pavement I had a familiar body start running next to me.


"Hey" I said back

"So my dads home early."

I looked at Wade, he seemed stressed.

We both were.

Approval from Braxton is probably the highest approval you can get. We had just taken over and were hoping we'd done the best we could.

I don't think we screwed anything up. Did we?

Oh yeah Cole.

Wade in the stallion

Ok so we'd messed a few things up but other than that...

God I hope we aren't in any trouble.

As we got closer to the house both me and Wade stopped running and slowed to a fast paced walk.

Our breath coming in and out a fast pace.

Wade opened the house with no hesitantation.

I froze looking into the house.

What if I had messed everything up?
What if this changes everything between me and Wade?

God I just want to be good at this job, do the best I can.

I want to do this for a living and if I can't do it when Braxton's away then could I ever.

I depend on Braxton, ever since my dad passed he's there.

But the beech also means everything to Braxton as well, I'm just hoping I didn't screw it up.

I looked in the house, still stuck in the door way next to Wade.

Braxton had his back turned to us, from across the room you could see him looking out at the ocean. It was a peaceful sight to see, if I wasn't scared to death about what Braxton thought.

Then it occurred to me. Had we done so bad that he came home a few days early?

Is that why he was here and not still at the funeral?

I looked at Wade hoping he was feeling the same way I was but there seemed to be no thoughts behind his eyes as he looked at his dad.

I looked back at Braxton as I swallowed down my fear.

He turned from the window slowly. I looked at him in the eyes trying to read his expression but there was none.


Suston Rescue (Life Guard Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin