Where to First?

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*P.O.V Wade*

Where to first?

I gave her a small smirk as we exited the the hospital.

"Any where you want babe." I replied while we hopped into my car.

Kaya just rolled her eyes at me, giving me a small smile. She had been sort of self conscious since we woke up this morning.

Part of it was cute, yet part of it made me nervous.

I took in a deep breath as we sat in the parkinglot. It was a mild day in Suston, the breeze was calm and it was fairly sunny, nothing really to complain about.

I looked back over at Kaya who was staring out the window at the hospital, most likely running through the CPR in her head again.

She seemed so tense, so rigid, like something could happen at any second.

It was so different from last night, when we laid in my bed. Her in my arms, calmy sleeping.

She looked so peaceful.

"Babe." I said again, gaining her full attention, "anywhere you want." I repeated.

She just shrugged her shoulders and bit her lip Slightly.

"Honestly." She replied, "I've never taken this many days off before, I'm not sure what I want to do." 

I looked at her with some sort of pity. Kaya never stopped working, even on her days off she was out on the beach.

"Why don't we start with some ice cream." I offered.

I watched as she thought about it for a second.

"Sounds good, but only if we go to Mo Mas because they have that really good dole whip..."

She continued on in a ramble and I just smiled while putting the car in drive.

Excitement coming to her face as we entered the parkinglot for Mo Mas Ice Cream.

I waved to a few of my friends as I got out of the car, a few of them giving me weird looks.

Yeah, it was probably strange to see me and Kaya... close... again.

I looked at her and smiled, like actually smiled as she jokingly held the door open for me.

I shook my head and took the door from her, allowing her to walk under my arm into the store.

"What are you getting?" Kaya asked as we stood in line.

I half heartedly shrugged. Honestly ice cream flavors was the last thing on my mind right now.

Every time I looked at Kaya images from last night flashed through my brain like a Polaroid. It was hard to see her in clothes when I just knew what she looked like without any.

"Probably chocolate." I replied.

She rolled her bright blue eyes at me before turning to look at the ice cream options of the day.

"Basic." Was all she said making me laugh to myself.

God she was perfect, and the way she smiled was contagious.

"Morning Mama Mo." I said as I walked up to the ice cream counter.

The frail old woman gave me a smile as both me and Kaya walked up.

"Morning darling, what would you two like today?" She asked in a calm voice.

"Um a chocolate in a waffle cone and..." I trailed off letting Kaya order her own ice cream, I didn't need to speak for her.

"Oh a pineapple dole whip please." She continued to finish the order.

Mama Mo just nodded her head in acknowledgment before turning around and shouting,

"Lucas! Come scoop your friend some ice cream!"

"Coming Nan!" I could hear Lucas shout from a back room and I smiled to myself.

Something I couldn't stop doing today, was smiling.

Well Kaya was a no Brainer, she could make anyone smile, just like Lucas in his ice cream scooper uniform.

Even Kaya chuckled to herself as he walked out.

"Oh real funny Kaya, we'll see who's laughing at the beach later." He replied pointing the scooper at her, "me and Wade are going to just absolutely shred in the 'no-go..."

His sentence fell short as I raised my eyebrows and he suddently noticed my presence.

His entire posture deflated.

"You're shitting me right?" He questioned.

He scuffed slightly before scooping Kaya's ice cream.

"See I just had this feeling, that with you to living together, sex or something was bound to happen... and you didn't even want her living with you in the first place." He said shaking his head in a sort of disappointment.

I looked at him with curiousity, yeah maybe it was a little obvious me and Kaya were on a date, but sex?

"What makes you think we had sex?" I asked putting one of my hands in my pocket.

Now Lucas looked at me with disbelief.

"Please." He stated before dissecting us like a teenage girl. "You're arm is scratched, your hair is normally messy but this time it's in a way that screams 'someone ran their hands through it'. Kaya, no offense, you have a tiny limp going on. And she beat red with embarrassment right now. And God you've never look so happy in your entire life... so..."

I was sort of impressed, I had to admit, until he handed me a cone with strawberry ice cream in it. Then my face fled with even more confusion.

"Lucas, I ordered chocolate." I stated looking at the cone in my hands.

Suddently I had forgotten about him reading me and Kaya like a book and was more concerned about the fact that my ice cream flavor was wrong.

Lucas leaned on the counter and looked at me with a sour smile.

"I know." Was all he said before turning around to get the next order.

I was going to be stuck with my wrong ice cream order I guess. I turned from the counter to Kaya who was slightly red in the face and looking anywhere else but at people.

I laughed under my breath and placed a hand in her lower back, guiding her out of the shop.

"Don't let him get in your head, its Lucas, he's just doing it to poke irony at our current situation." I explained as we walked out to the car.

I watched as Kaya bit the inside of her cheek, looking at every other kid our age who was out today.

They were all staring at us. Part of me was shocked, I knew I had the entire towns eyes on me, even more so as Braxtons son. But now they were looking more so between me and Kaya in a sort of wonder and judgment.

"Its not Lucas." Kaya muttered. "Its everyone else who think I'm just your nightly whore."

Her gaze remained on the ground as I looked at her.

Fuck, she was so right. I had never been able to keep a relationship for more than a night, much less so be public about it.

Now, what did every one think?

I stepped in front of Kaya and forced her, gently, to look up at me.

"Hey, look, let them think what they think, and let me prove to them that they're wrong. This isn't about you Kaya, its about my mistakes." I reasured firmly.

"Look Wade, people are gonna keep talking especially-"

I cut her off, placing my lips to hers, tasting the pineapple dole whip on her lips.

I could get drunk off of the taste of her I swear. 

I separated our lips and looked back into Kaya's eyes.

"Well, if they're going to talk... then let's give them something to talk about."

Words: 1258

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