Part 2: Curtain Call

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Now we were branded with a new name: Deckers. The origin of the name remains unknown, but I like to think that it was because life was a ship and we were on the deck in a stormy sea, waiting for the ship to bow down and the waves to throw us off.

A terrible analogy, I know, but as humans, we love slapping explanations--albeit illogical--to everything we see, no?

- anonymous, CountDowners


"In an objective lens, the notion of death is always difficult to discuss. Many cultural, historical, and religious beliefs make it harder to view death in an empirical light. Being an affiliate of the gruesome cycle of life, Death-Cast is like this too.

So, is the existence of Death-Cast a positive thing overall? Knowing the benefits to the medical field, for instance, and the disadvantage this brings to the human psyche, ultimately, this is a moral dilemma that everyone should give some thought to. An experience with death--and by extension, Death-Cast--is unique to every human.

However, I propose a better question: do we abandon all ethics and live freely now knowing that death could take us any time, or do we stick to them like how we stuck to our beliefs all these centuries, knowing that one day we will transition from living to not living at all?"

- exercpt from a student paper by Trisha Almazan, who went Internet famous around the country after a teacher posted a copy of it on Facebook

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