Rey Conner Lucero

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8:46 pm

Death-Cast called Rey Lucero late at 6:20 am to tell him that he was dying today. Not that he minded, though. He had been thinking about it for some time now and then came the sign to pursue it.

He was on work that day when he received the alert. All his coworkers gave him advance condolences and his boss gave him the last day off of his life. That was the only time they were kind and generous to him.

He went straight back home to his parents to break the news. They spent hours crying. He felt more like a shadow of his already hollow self.

He scrolled through his social media and felt incredibly jealous for people who could go have fun with their families, going on trips on other places, eating out, heck, even just staying at home and talking their hearts out.

He didn't have any of those. His mom and dad were getting old and he knew they didn't care about him. He himself was feeling too old for it too, so he didn't care.

So, he didn't stay too long in their house. He left and returned to his apartment and began packing his things. His apartment neighbors bid him goodbye and his tenant only smirked.

He checked his phone and he wasn't flooded with messages from friends or distant relatives. He felt his heart depress even more at the sight of his recent message being two weeks ago.

Then, after a few hours spent on packing, he decided to waste his money on trips around Cebu and some drinks. In his drunken stupor, he almost got crashed by a car, only to find out that it was his old classmate driving it.

They talked for a bit and he met his boyfriend. He barely remembered what happened, but his old classmate ended up being a little pissed. Was it something he said? He didn't know.

After a lot of drinks and aimless walking, he collapsed on the bus going back. When he came to, he heard two people having a heart-to-heart conversation.

He saw the youthfulness and love radiating from the both of them. Back when you're a kid, everything else is so simple, so innocent. He wished it could stay like that forever.

But as the bus pulled up into the mall, he could only breathe a sharp sigh. No matter how much he could wonder about the simple times, he was still dying.

And life would make sure that he wouldn'y forget.

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