Wade Payo

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9:59 am

Death-Cast did not call Wade Payo because he was not dying today, but they called his son, which was just as heartbreaking.

He had to admit that Matt wasn't raised well, despite the mediocre wealth. His mother wasn't there all the time, so all the caring fell to his dad. But sometimes, his dad felt like he didn't care for him enough.

The thought was enough to form a lump in Wade's throat.

He watched Matt and his Last Friend, Russell, walk away from him. It could be the last time he would see him. He could die in any moment and his dad wouldn't know about it.

At least his friend would know.

If he had access to a cellphone anyway.

He was already suspicious when Russell and Matt came forward to him. At first, he dismissed Russell's clothes as some universal fast fashion style boys his age were dressed as nowadays. But when he pulled him aside, he saw that the clothes were loose on him and that his skin was dirtier than it.

It didn't take long for him to piece together that Matt gave him some clothes to wear, in the hopes of preventing any embarrassment.

Flora would've found it dirty and stupid and absolutely refuse the instant she found out.

But he wasn't her.

Wade wished to tell his son that it wasn't embarrassing. They were still people, regardless of where they stand in life. All that mattered was that they were good and great people and that they were there for you.

And as he looked on, he decided to add another thing.

He wished to tell him that he should make the most of today.

And to be safe.

And to be good.

And to be patient.

And to be alive.

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