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Yet again, all the ninja gathered on the bridge for another meeting. It was beginning to become annoying to have to gather again and again and again. Kai was getting bored with the mission, anyways. So far, only Jay was seeing any action. Which wasn't fair to the people that wanted to be in the action. Like Kai.

"We have to help Jay!" Nya said fiercely.

"Obviously," Cole said, "But how exactly?"

"Pix, is there any way you can find him?" Nya asked.

"I'm afraid not. You did not give him the earpiece in time. I had no possible way of locating him," P.I.X.A.L. said.

"Can the radar pick up the dragon if we get in proximity to it?" Nya said.

"No. My radar is built to pick up planes and vehicles, not living organisms," P.I.X.A.L. said.

Nya pounded her fists against the control panel of the Bounty.

"There has to be something you can do! We have to do something! P.I.X.A.L., do something!"

Nya paused. She glanced at the others who were all silently watching her display of desperation. Jay was making Nya lose her mind.

"I'm sorry, P.I.X.A.L.," Nya mumbled. Kai put his hand on Nya's shoulder. She leaned into his body and hugged him.

"We'll find him," Lloyd said, "But we need to remain calm."

"What's the plan, Lloyd?" Kai said.

"First, get these kids back to Ninjago City," Lloyd said, "But I think it would be best to split up."

Nya tensed as Lloyd explained his plan.

He wanted to send two people back to Okuura to gather information on their enemies. And then the rest of the crew go to Ninjago City, return the kids, and talk to Misako. There was no plan to rescue Jay.

Kai wondered if he should step in before Nya blew up. Or clean up the mess after Nya destroyed Lloyd. He didn't get a choice at Nya stepped forward and pointed a finger at Lloyd.

"Those villagers are chasing the dragon. They're chasing Jay," Nya said.

"I know," Lloyd said, "But what can we do about that?"

"Find Jay!" Nya said.

"How?" Lloyd said.

Nya didn't respond but her anger radiated out of her. She made inarticulate noises and paced back and forth.

"He knows to head to Ninjago City. I bet we'll find him there waiting for us," Lloyd said.

"If the villagers don't get to him first," Nya said.

"You saw that dragon take off. There's no way they could catch up with Jay," Cole said. Nya huffed in defeat.

Lloyd and Zane volunteered to go back to Okuura to investigate. Kai figured Lloyd wanted to go so he didn't have to deal with Nya. A reasonable decision, since Nya did attempt to kick open a control panel a few minutes prior. She was acting more insane than she usually does.

Lloyd and Zane flew away on Zane's dragon. The Elemental Dragon seemed to flicker in the air as they left.

Kai ignored the worry in the back of his mind, telling him that his dragon might stop working like the others. He looked down at his hand. Flames burst from his palm. He had to trust in his Elemental Power. 

The theory for why everyone was losing their Elemental Dragons was because of anxiety. Ever since Master Wu disappeared, the entire team had an air of worry cloaking them. Kai had heard whispers from the team about being ready for Wu's return. Everyone believed that when Wu came back, he'd bring a big battle with him. A big battle the ninja team had to be ready for.

Lego Ninjago Fanfic: The Dragon Clanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें