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Rhys Moses ordered Soren to take Jay back to his cell. Along the way, Soren stopped to give Jay more water and another apple. The thought was kind but it felt hollow considering the current circumstances.

Doctor Kirk did something to Zane. His friends were being led into a trap. And what was wrong with Jay's Elemental Power? That didn't matter now. He had to give it up.

Soren opened Jay's cell door and pushed him inside.

"Rest easy," Soren instructed, "We need you at full strength tomorrow."

"The impending doom of my friends makes rest a little hard," Jay said.

"If your friends didn't bother us, this wouldn't have happened."

"You. Kidnapped. Me. And you expected them not to get involved?" Jay said, "I feel like I'm going insane. You actually think you aren't the bad guys!?"

Soren walked away. Jay waited until he was sure Soren wasn't in earshot.

"Eyre?" Jay said, "I need to learn that passing of the Elemental Power thing."

Jay wondered if Eyre was asleep because she didn't respond for a second.

"The motions are easy. The action is easy. To pass on such immense power without forethought and intention would be the greatest abuse of power possible. The first step: choose a worthy successor. Someone who will use the power with as much valour as you have."

The task sounded easy but as Jay considered options he realized how few friends outside of the ninja he had. Maybe Ronin. But he'd use the power to his benefit, not to help others. Dareth? He's not very competent or disciplined. Jay didn't know anyone else...

"Can we work on the second step while I decide?" Jay asked.

"Second step: meditation. You need a clear mind in order for the transfer of power to go smoothly."

Jay wasn't sure he was capable of having a clear mind. He'd seen Master Wu meditate many times. It was easy. Just sit down, be still, and... Jay's mind began to wander immediately. The thought of meditation alone caused his brain to meander without his permission.

"What's the third step," Jay asked, hoping it would be easier than the first two.

"A clear mind and a clear successor is all you need. Once you are in the right headspace, I'll tell you actions."

So it didn't get easier. Jay sat down on the damp ground and took a deep breath. Clear his head? Was that even possible?

Jay's mind swirled around. He was trying not to think about his own failures. So he saturated his mind with thoughts of Nya.

Everything about Nya was perfect. Her dimples, her raven hair, her curvy stature, her mole, her deep brown eyes; but those were only the icing on the cake. She was fierce, independent, strong, stubborn, and had a great sense of humour. Jay smiled to himself as he pictured the sound of Nya's laugh. Oh, her laugh... What would Jay give to make Nya laugh one last time.

 Woah... Did Jay believe he was going to die? He didn't expect that intrusive thought to invade his brain. Jay chuckled to himself. He was spiralling (at least 'spiralling' is what Nya called it).

Jay tried to think about happy thoughts. Like... Like... Like... Oh no, this was a bad spiral.

"You're breathing heavily," Eyre noted. Jay realized he was wheezing. He squeezed his eyes shut. Jay lost his focus. He took a deep breath. Again, he had to try again. Clear his mind.

Jay's meditation ended upon another intrusive thought. Would Nya be sad if Jay died? No! That was not what Jay should be thinking about. He wasn't going to die and Nya loved him! But she never said that she loved him.

Lego Ninjago Fanfic: The Dragon ClanWhere stories live. Discover now