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"No, no, no!" Jay screamed as he saw the incoming fire. He already lost control of the dragon. He feared what might happen next if the dragon got hit again. Jay glanced at the Bounty while tightly holding onto his reins.

Nya was running across the deck. She jumped over the side. And she fell.

"Nya!" Jay put his hand on the dragon's neck, sending all the lightning he had left in him into the dragon. He had to regain control of the dragon to help Nya. As the shock radiated through the beast, more ammunition struck the dragon.

It buckled in the air. Why wasn't Jay's lightning working? Jay stared at his hand and tried summoning his lightning. It wasn't working! He couldn't use his power!

Jay gazed down. He considered jumping after Nya. (In hindsight, not his  greatest idea...)

The dragon got hit again. This caused the dragon to take off. Jay loved the sensation of going fast. But at that moment, he was too worried about Nya to care that he was speeding along. In a few seconds, the Bounty and the villager's planes had disappeared.

"Go back, go back," Jay said. He was helpless to do anything but pull on the reins. He had to see if Nya was alright! He had to make sure she was safe!

Eventually, the dragon slowed to a manageable pace. However, that was short-lived. The dragon spiralled in the air suddenly, tossing Jay from his back. Jay held on to the rein while shouting about how unfortunate his situation was.

Jay was hanging from the rein, dangling off the side of the dragon when everything got worse (somehow). The dragon ceased to exist, and a boy was in his place.

"Seriously!" Jay shouted as they both began their descent. They were falling into the dense forest of Hiroshi's Labyrinth.

The sound of a screaming child didn't help Jay to think. He couldn't summon a dragon. He couldn't do airjitzu.

Jay somehow managed to swim through the air towards the boy. He grabbed onto Jay and buried his face into Jay's chest.

Jay pulled the nunchuck from his back and tied his super long belt around them. When he was about to break through the canopy, he threw the nunchucks downward. They wrapped around a tree branch.

"Hold on," Jay instructed the boy. He gripped the belt. All slack would disappear in half a second. Jay could foresee how jerking to a stop might rip his arms off. This wasn't going to work.

They fell past the branch and hurdled towards the ground.

The belt tensed and swung Jay and the kid forward. Then it snapped. They tumbled to the ground.

Jay laid on the floor of the forest and stared above him. Huh, that did work...

Jay heard a horrible cracking sound. Above them, the branch they used to swing on had broken and was falling toward them.

Jay knew he had to move him and the child to safety but was too tired. Jay's useless body had given up on him.

Luckily, the branch got caught in some lower trees. They weren't crushed.

"You didn't check the integrity of the branch?" the child said. That was a weird way to say thank you.

"I meant to but I was a little busy falling," Jay said.

The kid scooted out of the way of the branch. Jay knew he should follow but he couldn't move.

His mind immediately began to worry about Nya. She fell too. And she wanted to ask him a question. What was the question? Was she alright? Jay needed her. She couldn't be gone.

Lego Ninjago Fanfic: The Dragon ClanWhere stories live. Discover now