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A/N I started working on a new ninjago fanfiction while I edit this one. And now I'm super pumped at the prospect of uploading that fanfiction. And it's getting in the way of editing this story and uploading it. (I haven't even started editing the next chapter yet which is unlike me.)

Anyways I'm so thankful and in awe that people are enjoying my writing. Thank you so much! I never thought I'd be the person uploading stories to wattpad but here we are. I hope you're having as much fun reading as I am writing.

Back to the angst (I promise this story ends with a lot of Jaya fluff. We just have to get through the darkness).

Nya's deepest desire was to find Jay waiting for her when she dropped off the kids. Yet, he wasn't there. She delivered all the children to the police station, where their parents were waiting for them. A quick chat with the Commissioner later and Nya learned that no one had seen Jay.

Now, behind the wheel of the Bounty, Nya's mind raced with speculations about how she was going to find Jay. She tried to think of all the places Jay would go. To his parent's junkyard maybe? Back to the Temple of Airjitzu? Before Nya could get too far, a message appeared on the screens on the bridge.

"Zane has sent us a visual of Okuura Village," P.I.X.A.L. said. Nya put the Bounty on autopilot and gazed at the screen. It was a map of Ninjago. And there was a blue blinking dot on the map.

"P.I.X.A.L., can you put these coordinates into our locating system," Lloyd said.

"What's the dot?" Nya said.

"We've stumbled across their technical headquarters. Zane began hacking into their system and we found this program. It is designed to track the usage of Elemental Powers."

"Or so it seems," Zane said, "I am only eighty percent sure."

"That dot is the location of someone using their Elemental Power?" Nya said.

"Not just anyone," Zane said, "The dots are colour coordinated. See if I use my power..."

A white dot appeared on the screen in Okuura village. Nya summoned some water and watched a grey dot appear inside of Ninjago City. The program somehow could track Elemental Masters as they used their Elemental Powers. Clever. (What sort of systems would they have in place to pick up Elemental Power usage? She doubted they had satellites. Perhaps, their computer sent out impulses that had some connectivity with Elemental Powers. There did seem to be a radius limit on the map. Perhaps they couldn't observe all of Ninjago.) Nya stared at the blue dot. That must be Jay.

"Jay's in Hiroshi's Labyrinth!" Nya said. She was about to tell P.I.X.A.L. to change course but then she remembered that Lloyd already told Pix to do so.

"And he's putting out a constant charge of electricity," Lloyd said, "Something could be wrong."

"No! That's how he soothes the dragon," Nya said, "Constant electricity."

"I've placed a marker on the Bounty's map to that location," P.I.X.A.L. confirmed.

"Be warned Ninja, our enemies know exactly where you are if you use your Elemental powers," Lloyd said.

"We believe that they already know of our presence in Okuura," Zane said.

"And that means they know exactly where Jay is," Nya said. She debated using her Elemental Dragon to go find Jay immediately. It'd be faster than taking the Bounty. However, the Okuura Villagers would know she was coming if she did that. It was best to stick with the plan and hope Jay was fending off the villagers on his own. He was capable.

Nya returned to the helm and sent the Bounty forward at full speed. P.I.X.A.L. kept her en route to Jay's last know location.

Nya worried that Jay moved from his previously known location. But Zane and Lloyd couldn't stare at the computer screen all day so she could find Jay. (They mentioned something about finding a hidden door to a tunnel passage.) At least she knew where he was at one time. She'd knock down every tree in Hiroshi's Labyrinth to find him again.

Eventually, Kai and Cole caught up to Nya and told her about what they learned from Misako. Lloyd and Zane said they'd look out for a spellbook of some kind.

After an eternity, (Nya needed to update The Bounty's speed capabilities. Add that to the neverending list of projects she wanted to undertake) the Bounty arrived at the south side of Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Cole and she jumped onto the anchor and dropped it to the ground. Kai decided to stay on the Bounty.

"Jay!" Nya called as soon as she stepped foot on the forest floor. She looked around for traces of Jay.

"He was here," Cole said as pointed upward. Jay and Nya's belt and Jay's nunchucks hung in the lower canopy of the forest.

Jay didn't have any weapons. Nor a way to control the dragon without his makeshift reins. Wherever he was, he was in trouble. Nya was about to climb up the trees to retrieve the nunchucks when a small voice said behind her: "They took him."

Nya swung around. A small boy, with tears in his eyes, was standing behind her.

"He said you'd come. He promised me you would," the boy said.

"Took him? Took Jay?" Nya said. The boy nodded.

"Mister Blue Ninja thought they were after me, so he went to fight them. But they were after him."

"Are you... the dragon?" Cole said.

"I'm Timmy. I guess I am the dragon. That's what he told me. Are you going to save Mister Blue Ninja?"

"That's why we're here," Nya said. The Dragon Clan wanted Jay. That was proof that Elemental Power was part of the spell. Jay must've given them the Lightning they needed to turn Timmy temporarily into a dragon.

She brought Timmy to the anchor. Nya stepped onto the arm of the anchor and extended a hand to Timmy.

"Hold on to me," she instructed. Timmy stepped close to Nya and grabbed onto her gi. He shocked her when they touched. Nya felt a twinge of longing in her heart. Jay sometimes did that; shocked her when they touched. Never intentionally, sometimes he had Lightning pent up inside of him. Cole also jumped onto the anchor. They rose back up to the Bounty.

As they ascended, Nya spoke to her earpiece: "Zane, Lloyd, they have Jay. He's in Okuura."

Zane and Lloyd didn't respond.

"I've seemed to have lost contact with Lloyd and Zane momentarily," P.I.X.A.L. said, "I've picked up a new output of electricity in my systems. Perhaps it caused the disconnection."

Cole tended to Timmy (Thank the First Spinjitzu Master that Cole liked kids. Nya did not want to deal with a traumatized child when she was so scared for Jay). Kai joined Nya at the bridge.

"I've reconnected with Lloyd and Zane," P.I.X.A.L. said.

"Thank you Pix," Nya said, "Lloyd, Zane, Jay's in Okuura. We're on our way."

"Don't bother," Lloyd said, "Jay isn't here anymore. They're taking him to an abandoned power plant west of Okuura."

"Why would they take him there?" Kai said.

"I managed to overhear some villagers talking about their plans with Jay. They want him to power their village," Zane replied.

"So not dragon transformation?" Kai said.

"Or they made a machine that turns people into dragons," Nya speculated, "Using Jay as one stone to kill two birds."

"Whatever their motive, it would be best to regroup at the Bounty. If we approach on our Elemental Dragon, they'll see us coming," Lloyd said.

"We'll wait here for you," Nya said.

A small electrical shock coursed through the Bounty's systems, causing all the screens to glitch. Nya decided to take care of that issue. If she was going to have to wait, she wanted to at least be busy.

"I'm going to investigate our excess power. Coming?" Nya said to Kai. He nodded as Nya told P.I.X.A.L. to scan the Bounty for the source of power. 

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