Chapter 5

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As the sun set I could hear voices outside the tiny cell room. I wondered if that meant I would be leaving soon. I was very hungry from not eating anything, and I was starting to get restless from being cooped up all day.

The sound of a key scraping against a lock made me jolt up in alert. The door swung open and in walked two security guards, both wearing the same suit as the rest of the employees. One of them grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me to me feet.

"Number 138, you're up," he said. I didn't have time to say goodbye to Oliver, I just looked at him as I was dragged out of the room, and he gave me a small smile of encouragement. I was taken into a unfamiliar corridor, the man's grip was painfully tight on my arm, and he was so tall it was hard for my short legs to keep up with his pace.

After minutes of walking through the huge building I was taken into another room with some medical looking equipment in it. Inside, a woman in a white lab coat was sat at a computer. The security guards took me inside and pushed me into a chair before standing near the exit so I couldn't run away.

"Number 138," the woman said, checking some forms, before turning in her office char to face me. "Don't worry, this is just a routine checkup. We need to make sure all of our Omegas are healthy."

She took a syringe and held me down. "I just need a blood sample, don't worry, this won't hurt." She jabbed the needle into my arm and and yelped in surprise. Her tone was calm but she wasn't very gentle with me, not like Oliver was.

After she took my blood she put the sample in some kind of machine on her desk and pressed a button.

"Open your mouth," she commanded me. I did as I was told since the security guards were looking at me menacingly.

She inspected my teeth and made a note on her file. "You have all your teeth and no cavities, very good. Now, step over here." She lead me to a measuring device and had me stand under it as she measured my height. "Five foot three inches," she noted. "That's short for a boy your age but since you are an Omega it's not unusual."

The machine on her desk dinged and a file popped up on her computer. "Ah, the blood test is done." She sat back in her chair and read the screen. "You have no genetic diseases and your blood is healthy, which is good, but you are Albino which is rare. It says you have recessive Omega genes, so you are most submissive kind of Omega, and you are fertile." She noted everything in my file. "Last I just need to take your weight."

She made me stand on some scales as she took a reading. "Hmm, it says you are only 95 lbs, which means you are underweight."

One of the security guards looked annoyed when she said this. "You know boss doesn't like it when we have defective products," he said. "Is he still good for sale?"

The woman looked reluctant, but she stamped my file with a green stamp that said 'Approved for Sale', and handed my documents over to him. "Yes, he is otherwise healthy so I'm sure he will be fine."

"Excellent," he said and took hold of me again. He took me out of the room and up some stairs, and in the distance somewhere I could hear music playing. The music became louder as we entered a kind of waiting room. The guard handed my documents over to a eccentric looking man in a purple suit.

"I have the next item for sale here."

The man took a look at me. "Ooh, he's a cutie. I'm jealous of whoever gets to take you home," he said, turning me around to get a look at me.

"Hey, hands off the merchandise," the security guard said, and the strange man let go of me.

"Anyway, you're just in time for the next auction," he said, nudging me forwards through the door on the other side of the room. I was pushed into the room where the music was coming from, obscured behind a curtain. The man pushed me through the curtain and I suddenly found myself on a stage with bright lights shining in my face.

I tried to shield my face with my hands as my eyes adjusted. It looked like some kind of club, I could see lots of people sat around tables around the stage drinking and chatting. They looked wealthy, wearing fancy suits and drinking expensive looking bottles of alcohol. Along one wall was a bar serving people cocktails, and at the rear of the room was what looked like a VIP area, with the fanciest looking tables and waiters serving them.

As soon as I walked out, I could feel everyone's eyes turn to me. The eccentric looking man came through the curtain behind me and grabbed a microphone.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen we have the next item up for sale right here: Number 138." He started reading from the file with my info on it. "Here we have a lovely submissive Omega, very obedient and good around the house. As you can see he is small and quiet, he would make a good domestic companion for any Alpha."

I could hear people wispering as they looked at me, and it made me feel self concious. I wasn't used to having this much attention on me, and I hated the way I was treated like an object rather than a person.

"He is also very cute, he would make a good choice for any Alpha looking for a mate."

My eyes went wide at hearing this. Some of the Alphas looking at me looked like they were two or three times my age, I didn't want to be sold to them, they looked scary.

"Shall we start the bidding at... five thousand dollars?" The man announced.

I didn't think anybody would be willing to pay that much for and ugly runt like me, so I was surprised when people actually started bidding

"Five thousand!" One person shouted.

"Six thousand!" said another.

"Seven thousand five hundred."

The bids went up and up and I felt sick. This was more money than I had ever seen in my life and these people were willing to spend it like it was nothing.

The bids reached ten thousand, then twenty thousand quickly. Eventually there were only two people left bidding: a large overweight man sitting near the stage, and an older gray-haired man by the bar. The bids reached thirty thousand dollars and neither man looked like they wanted to give up.

I didn't want to be sold to either of them, but eventually the overweight man placed a bid for fifty thousand dollars which the older man did not want to match. He gave me a wink from his chair by the stage and I felt repulsed, he looked like a creep. I was desperate for anything to happen to get me out of here.

"Okay, for fifty thousand dollars: Going once..." There was a pause. "Going twice..." There was another longer pause which seemed to last for an eternity.

Before anything else happened, a loud commanding voice called from the back of the room: "One hundred thousand dollars."

A gasp of shock could be heard throughout the venue. Nobody expected that.

"Woah! A new record amount from none other than the boss himself!" The man running the auction was caught off guard from this sudden, huge bid. I tried to have a look at who it was that placed it but the bright lights made it hard to see the faces of the people at the back of the room. All I knew was that he was a VIP.

He turned to see if the overweight man would place another offer, who just shook his head in defeat.

"Well that was sure exciting! But don't worry, we have more lovely Omegas for sale coming shortly! So sit back, and enjoy your complimentary drinks!"

With that the man put the microphone down and tried to usher me off stage, but I couldn't will myself to move, my feet felt like lead.

I had just been sold for one hundred thousand dollars.

Sold to the Mafia Boss' Son - Alpha x OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now