Chapter 12

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"Take off your clothes."

I was shocked what I just heard. Felix just asked me to take my clothes off so casually. He didn't even look at me, he was still busy looking for something.

After a moment he found what he was looking for and walked towards me. He looked annoyed when he saw that I saw still dressed.

I hurried to undo the buttons on my shirt, but I was so nervous my hands were shaking. Felix seemed to notice this as he tried to reassure me. "You know, you don't have to be scared of me."

"I'm not s-scared," I tried to say, but I stuttered as I spoke. Truthfully it was a lie. Felix was intimidating. When I lived with Uncle, although he was a cruel man, he wasn't physically imposing.

Felix, however was. He was tall, with broad shoulders, and I could see his muscles bulging even under his black t shirt. Even though he was handsome, his brown eyes held a darkness behind them. Although he hadn't done anything to me personally yet, I still barely knew him. He could have a dark sadistic side I didn't know about.

"I can tell you're lying to me," Felix stated, but he didn't sound angry. Instead he put his bag down and moved to help me with my buttons.

He knelt in front of me, and I could see his hands up close for the first time. The backs of his hands and knuckles were covered in scars, it looked as though he had been in a fight. No, lots of fights. I knew he liked to practice boxing but these looked rough, as though he was fighting with his bare fists. It didn't help the impression that he wasn't intimidating.

When my shirt was unbuttoned he pulled it off me and I felt incredibly self conscious. I didn't like my body, and now Felix was seeing it too. I blushed and looked away from him. That's when I noticed the bag he was carrying was a first aid kit. He opened it and took something out.

"You look like shit," he said, looking at my exposed chest. I knew he was right, but hearing him say it out loud still hurt a little. "Here, stay still."

He had some kind of balm, I guessed it was for my bruises. Opening the lid, he took some on his fingers with one hand, then with his other hand he grabbed my arm to hold it still. He started rubbing some onto a bruise on my arm, and I winced. It felt cold against my skin, and sore from where the old injury hadn't healed properly.

"This may sting a little," he said, but I could hardly feel it. Instead my mind was focused on the feeling of his hand touching my arm. His skin felt warm against mine, and he was tanned, which next to my pale skin made me look unhealthy. I also noticed how his hands felt rough and calloused against my skin, and yet his touch was still light and gentle. The most obvious thing I noticed though was just how big his hands were. His hand easily encircled my frail arm and made me feel weak and pathetic next to him.

I sat in silence as he slowly worked his way up my arm, putting healing balm on my cuts and bruises. This was my first ever time being this close to an Alpha, so I didn't really know what to do. If I stared at him, he might think I was creepy, but he was so close to me I couldn't help but look at him. It was almost unfair how good looking he was, he made me feel inadequate.

Once he had tended to my arms, he moved onto my chest. I had a particularly bad injury from where Uncle had thrown a beer bottle at me when he was drunk a few months ago and it hadn't healed fully. As Felix touched it, it sent a shock though my body and I gasped. It was still quite painful.

"Did that hurt?" Felix asked.

I shook my head. "'m okay" I mumbled. Even though it did hurt, I didn't tell him that. I had already caused Felix enough trouble, and he was kindly helping to treat my wounds even though he didn't have to, so I tried my best to put up with the pain.

Even though he didn't question me again, I could tell Felix's touch became much more gentle from then on. He must have noticed my reaction and compensated for it. He was incredibly perceptive. 

I wondered if that meant he was smart to. When I first met him I though because he was strong he was the type of person who preferred brawn over brains, but if he was secretly intelligent too then he really had it all. He was like the prince in a fairytale book.

One of the only memories I had of my mother before she died was of her reading to me bedtime stories, about princes and princesses living in magical castles. It was funny, the King mansion was so big it was like a castle, and Felix was its prince.

After a while I was lost in thought, it startled me when Felix stood up and started putting his medical supplies away. I quickly snatched my shirt and put it on, I felt embarrassed being shirtless in front of Felix, so I put it on again as fast as possible.

"It'll still take a while for you to be fully healed," Felix said. "But it's a start."

"Th-thank you," I said gratefully. I felt bad because instead of spending the morning of his birthday doing something fun he was stuck looking after me.

"Don't mention it," he said. "I can't have my omega going around looking so beat up." He smirked when he said 'my omega', and I blushed again. I still couldn't believe such a handsome guy could be my Alpha.

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