Chapter 6

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I was all but dragged off the stage, still stunned into shocked silence. I couldn't believe someone had just paid that much for me. I was taken off the stage and back into the waiting room. Nobody told me anything, but the security guards were whispering to themselves.

After a moment, they went silent as a figure came through the door. He was tall with dark hair, and his suit was immaculate. I felt intimidated just looking at him.

The man looked at me, unimpressed. "Is this him?" he asked.

"Yes Boss," replied one of the security guards.

The man they called Boss took hold of my shoulder and spun me round. "He looks skinny. Are you sure this is the one?"

"Yes, Boss. This is the one young master picked out."

"Hmph. I can't believe I am to pay $100,000 for this runt." The man turned to his security, "Inform the driver and have him take this one home, and allow the Maids to take care of him. I shall have a word with him in private first."

"Yes, Boss!" said the security as they left the room. It was just the two of us left in the room now, and the way he glared at me made me feel small.

He said nothing for a while, just staring at me, and I got the feeling he was just doing it to psych me out.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked me eventually.

"No- no Sir," I stuttered out.

"I am the head of the King family. We are very important and influential around here," he said. I gathered that much by the fact everyone was calling him Boss, plus he looked filthy rich.

"Are you my new Master?" I asked, curious.

He grimaced slightly, as thought the though offended him.

"No. It is tradition that every Alpha in our family is gifted an Omega on their 18th birthday. My son chose you tonight, and you are to belong to him. But you will be living in my house, so you are to treat me with proper respect, as you would with any Alpha, and I will not tolerate misbehavior. You shall address me as 'Sir' at all times. Understand?"

"Yes Sir," I said timidly. Mr King had a very intimidating aura around him, and the fact he towered over me in height didn't help. I wondered if his son took after him.

"Good. My son will turn 18 in two days' time, you will not meet him until then. For now you are to return to our home where the Maids will give you a meal and a new set of clothes."

With that, Mr King exited the room and had a word with the guards at the door. They nodded in understanding and motioned for me to follow them.

"Alright kid, we've got orders to take you back to the boss' place. You got lucky tonight. Of all the Alphas that could have picked you it just happened to be the Boss' kid."

I was taken outside to a car park where a large, luxurious looking car with blacked out windows was waiting for us. The security ushered me inside and had a word with the driver, who was also wearing the same uniforms as the guards. Just how many people did Mr. King have working for him?

Once I got in the car we drove off. I couldn't focus on the scenery out the window because my mind was too busy thinking about what Mr King has said. My new Master was his Son. I had no idea what he was like other than the fact it was his birthday in two days, and he would be 18 just like me. I was relieved he was the same age as me, but at the same time I was scared. What if he was intimidating, just like Uncle? I wanted my Alpha to be kind like Oliver was.

I noticed it was getting dark outside. I had been locked up most of the day so I had lost track of time. The hum of the car's engine stared to make me feel sleepy, and the luxury seats were more comfortable than anything I had rested on in a long time.

Before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep...

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