Chapter 8

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I walked down the hallway together with Leo, we passed several other members of staff who Leo nodded at as we walked past.

"So," Leo said, "this is the first floor. The kitchens are located here, plus the dining rooms, servant's quarters and living rooms."

I was in awe of how big the place was, it was like a maze. I didn't know how I was going to remember my way around the place. We walked down the hallway and I took in the view of the house, it was enormous.

We walked through the house and I took note of the different rooms. Leo looked around casually as he did so.

"W-what do you do around here?" I asked Leo nervously. I did't know if I was allowed to address him casually, he seemed like he was important and I was just a lowly omega.

He grinned at me and said "Well my Dad works for Felix's dad, we've been hanging around together for years. I'm officially his personal assistant, I guess you could say I'm also kind of like his bodyguard, but really my job is too make sure he doesn't get himself into too much trouble." He laughed at this, as though he was remembering a particular incident. "We grew up together so we're close."

Felix... my new owner. I wondered what kind of person he was.

Leo looked at me with narrowed eyes, and I felt self-conscious as though he was judging me.

He got closer, inspecting my face.

"I will say though, you don't seem like his type," said Leo. "I wouldn't have expected Felix to go for a small and cute Omega."

I couldn't help but blush at the fact Leo just called me cute, especially because he was so handsome.

If Leo noticed me blushing, he didn't say anything at least, continuing his tour.

We headed up the grand staircase to the second floor. The doors were large and ornate, and they looked somehow even fancier than the first floor.

"This is the Boss' office," said Leo, gesturing to one of the doors. "Don't go in here unless you're invited."

I made a mental note of that. I didn't want to get on the mafia's bad side.

"Down here are the bedrooms and the rest of the offices," Leo said, pointing to the next corridor. "And on this floor we also have the gym and sauna," he said casually, as though it was a normal thing that all houses had.

I must have looked in awe because Leo chuckled at me. "Don't worry, I know this place seems pretty big but you'll get used to it."

I didn't know if that was true, the house seemed so big, much bigger than I was used to. Leo continued to show me around until we had seen most of the house.

"So, that's the end of our tour," said Leo. "How about I show you to your room now?"

I nodded, I was tired and it had been a long day so I would be glad to get some rest.

We went back to the staff area and Leo sowed me to a little room with a bed in it.

"It's nothing fancy," said Leo, "but it's just for a few days."

I didn't tell him that this modest room was bigger than the one I used to sleep in, or that Uncle used to make me sleep on the floor so I has never slept in a bed before, so I just nodded. "Th-thank you," I said. It had been a long day and I was looking forward to getting some sleep.

"No problem." Leo smiled at me. "I'll leave you to rest now, and I'll make sure to ask one of the maids to bring you a new set of clothes in the morning."

I nodded again, and with that Leo left. I wasn't used to anyone being so nice to me, it was too strange. I didn't have time to think about it though, as I was so tired I collapsed onto the bed almost immediately, falling asleep.

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