Chapter 7

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I was shaken awake by the driver when we arrived at our final destination. I sat up and looked out of the window. We were at some kind of house- no, not just a house, this place was a mansion. It was huge, much bigger than the house where I had lived with Uncle.

"We've arrived," the driver said, opening the door to the car. I looked up at the huge ornate front door before me, it looked like the kind of place where royalty would live.

Suddenly the door opened and out walked an older woman in what looked like a maid's outfit. The driver muttered something to her that I couldn't hear, then she turned to me and ushered me inside.

"Come along now dear, you must be cold stood out here," she said, taking a look at my outfit. I was still wearing nothing but a t-shirt and shorts, and I was shivering from the cold.

We walked in through the front door and it was just as fancy on the inside as it was on the outside. The entry hall itself was as big as a normal house, and there were expensive looking pieces of artwork hung on the walls. There was a staircase leading upstairs, but we didn't take it, instead we went down a hallway to the right.

"You must be hungry dear," she said, leading me into a kitchen. It was much less fancy than the rest of the house, and I guessed it was an area just for staff. I got a good look at the Woman's face for the first time, she looked like a kind older woman.

"Come along, take a seat," she said, pushing me into a chair in front of a table. She walked over to the stove where a pot was boiling. She took a bowl and a ladle and filled it with some kind of soup, then she handed it to me. "Eat up dear, you must be hungry."

I took the soup from her and sniffed it. It smelled good, and I was so hungry I began to wolf it down.

"Thank you," I said, handing the bowl back to her when I was finished, and she took it from me.

"How are you feeling dear?" she asked me. I wasn't used to someone treating me so nicely. I hardly knew what to say to her

"Uhm," I began, "I'm fine..." I trailed off. I didn't know what to say. It was so surreal, I hardly had time to process all that had happened today. "What is this p-place?" I asked, looking around the room.

"This is the servants quarter's," she said. "This is where we prepare meals for the family and all the other servants. We have several chefs who work for us, as well as groundskeepers, butlers and maids, plus each member of the family has their own personal assistant. Oh, and I almost forgot! My name is Mary and I'm in charge of keeping the house clean and making sure all the staff are doing their jobs."

I had never known anyone to have so many people working for them, the King family must live like royalty.

I looked at the maid, Mary. She reminded me of a kindly grandmother, her eyes sparkled with wisdom and she had a comforting smile on her face. It made me sad I never met my own grandparents.

"You must be pretty tired, but there is someone I'd like to introduce you to first before you rest. His name is Leo and he is the Young Master's assistant. He will be able to tell you more about your duties. Don't worry, it might seem overwhelming living here at first, but you'll get used to it. You can always ask me if you need anything," Mary told me, and I nodded politely.

"Thank y-you," I said quietly. She looked at me with a strange, almost sad expression on her face.

"And don't let the Young Master get you down. He might have a cold exterior but he has a good heart, it just takes him a while to warm up to new people," she said to me.

I didn't know what kind of person my new owner was, but I wondered whether he would be like his father. I was worried that he would treat me harshly like Uncle did.

"Ah, speak of the devil, this is Leo," Mary said suddenly.

I saw a boy walk into the room before me. He looked around my age, but he was much taller than me. He looked kind of intimidating, his build was quite muscular. I couldn't help but notice he was quite handsome. I blushed slightly as he approached me. He had a grin on his face, he looked quite cool, I would not have imagined a personal assistant to look like he did, I was imagining an older man in a suit like Mr King's staff.

The boy approached me. "Hi," he said. "My name's Leo. You'll probably be seeing a lot of me around here."

I didn't quite know how to greet him. Was I supposed to treat him as my superior? I bowed my head awkwardly to him. "H-hello," I said, "Nice to m-meet you."

He reached out and ruffled my head affectionately. "Haha, you're cute," he said. Although we were the same age the height difference between us made him look more mature. "Don't worry, I don't bite," he said, noticing my apprehension.

"Well, I'll leave you to show him around." Mary said to Leo.

"No problem," Leo said as we walked out of the room, and I noticed he looked quite casual, unlike all the other employees. Instead of wearing a suit and tie he just had a shirt and black jeans. I wondered what exactly his job was, as he seemed to be above everyone else despite being so young.

"C'mon, I'll give you the tour," he said, leading me out of the room.

He seemed to be ordering me around so I guessed that made him my superior, although technically I wasn't an employee. At least he seemed friendly. Along with Mary I was glad there were at least two people here that seemed to treat me nicely.

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