Chapter 4.1: The Aftermath of the Battle

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(Rimuru's Perspective)

I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was the dark night sky that was decorated with countless stairs. No, that's not all. Before those stars, I could see a pair of bright red eyes that belonged to a beautiful girl with bluish-silver hair—Ciel.

"Erm, Ciel-san. Why am I in your lap?"

"Oh, I am glad to see you are awake, d-a-r-l-i-n-g." She turned to look down at me as she gently stroked my hair with one of her hands. "You fainted similarly to how you did in the cave, and I thought it would be a good idea to give you a lap pillow so you could rest properly."

"Oh, I see. Then, why are you ca—" I was about to ask why she was calling me 'darling' so passionately, but I felt somebody tug on my sleeve from the side. I turned my face, and saw a red-haired little girl with beautiful purple eyes that were filled with tears.

"*sniff* Papa, are you okay now? *sniff* You are not going to go *sniff* die, right? *sniff*" It looks like I made Reili pretty worried. From her eyes, it was really obvious she had been crying quite a lot before I woke up, and it was pretty clear that if I answered her question wrong in any possible way, she was going to break down again.

"Erm, erm... I am fine, sweetie, don't worry." Okay, that was kind of a mediocre response, wasn't it?

"*sniff* *sniff* Really? You really aren't going to die? *sniff* Really really really? *sniff*"

"Really really really. I am not going to die, okay? I just felt tired for a second, but don't worry, I am okay now. Isn't that right, d-e-a-r?" I turned to look at Ciel, and she stiffened for a moment before nodding as she blushed a bit. Ha! Payback! *Cough *cough* That's not important right now.

"There you go, Mama says I am okay too. Mama and I are the strooooongest and toughest people out there, so there is no way either of us will ever leave you alone, yeah? That's why, there's no need to cry, okay?"

I used my finger to wipe the tears running down her cheeks, and mustered the brightest smile I could. She nodded, then jumped on top of me, and gave me the biggest hug she could as she broke into tears.

How can I call myself her father if I make my little girl worry so much about me, huh? I'm a failure as a parent, aren't I? I sighed and smiled wryly as I patted the head of my little girl who was now clinging on top of me while crying.

"You are doing a great job as a father. She adores you, and that should be proof enough." Ciel always knows what I need to hear. I turned to look at her, and she was smiling gently at me. My heart cleared up, and I smiled back at her. Geez, I truly can't rival her in anything.

"Thanks, Ciel, you always know what I'm thinking." I don't know what I would do without you, really.

"But of course, d-a-r-l-i-n-g, ufufu." Erm, have you always been this type of character? Lately I've been feeling you've been acting quite out of character, you know?

"My, my, what are you talking about. It's just your imagination, ufufu." Erm, yeah sure... Let's also ignore the fact that it looks as if you could read my mind...

Anyway, I tried to stand up from Ciel's lap, but just as I lifted my head, I caught sight of a teary, pleading face looking directly at me. It wasn't Ciel, of course; it was Reili, who was still clinging on to me.

"*sniff* Papa... can we.. *sniff* stay like this a little more? *sniff*" Reili made her best teary puppy eyes, and just like that, I felt my heart melt and my willpower disappear.

"Yeah, we can stay like this as much as you like, okay sweetie?" I laid back completely on Ciel's lap once again, and began stroking Reili's hair as she let out all the worry she had gained from watching me collapse. Never again. I won't scare you that way ever again. I made a vow in my heart.

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