Chapter 8: Nyan~♡!

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(Shizu's Perspective)

"So, what do you want to do about Ifrit?" Rimuru-san asked as we gained some distance from the building we were having lunch in a couple of minutes ago.

My eyes widened a bit when he mentioned that name. I was yet to tell him about Ifrit, but he seemed to be already well informed on the topic. It doesn't surprise me that much, though, as he had already hinted at that when he took me away from Kaval and Co. The surprise was certainly lower than when a wild Storm Dragon appeared.

Thinking about Veldora-san, I wonder what happened to him... neither his nor Reili-chan's screams can be heard anymore... Did they escape? The frozen smile pasted on Ciel-san's face when she began the persecution flashed in my face for a second. No, definitely not. If anything, she might've let them go. Yeah, it is impossible to think anybody could escape that creepy smile of hers...

"My my, could it be that you're thinking something really rude right now, I wonder?" I heard a sca~ry voice behind me.

"Aaaah?! The demon?!" I jumped back while turning around, and unintentionally shouted such a thing. *Snap* A vein appeared on the demo—Ciel-san's—temple.

"Hehehe," Ciel-san began laughing eerily as she turned to face Rimuru-san. "Darling... could we dispose of her right now? In the original t**e*ine she wasn't of any use, after all..." I couldn't understand one of her words, but... Ciel-san's face completely turned into one of a demon.

Hiiih! She is looking at me as if saying, 'Hey, you just now, you thought something rude, didn't you?' I started sweating bullets as I averted my gaze from her.

Now, what could she mean disposing of me... no, that part is pretty clear. Is she hostile toward me, then... I raised my guard a bit. The interesting thing is that Ciel-san said that I wasn't of any use... but when exactly is she talking about? When we were with the giant ants, perhaps?

Anyway, how did Rimuru-san respond? Well...

"Of course not, you mad woman! And stop smiling in such a way! You are scaring the hell out of everyone!" It is the first time I've heard Rimuru-san raise his voice. That said, he didn't look mad at all, perhaps only a bit irritated, if anything.

"Y-Yes... *sniff* I am sorry... *sniff*" Ciel-san looked down dejectedly as she fidgeted around with her hands and fingers and began to sob lightly. She looked like a puppy who had just been scolded for causing a ruckus inside the house. Furthermore, she was muttering to herself, 'I am reflecting, I am reflecting, I am reflecting...' over and over again.

"H-Hero..." I turned to look at Rimuru-san. Yes, in stories, the one who defeats the demon is always a hero...

"And you! Don't fan the flames any more! You shouldn't be calling other people 'demon' like that, you know!?" Rimuru-san now turned toward me and started scolding me as well. I iwas a bit rude indeed, wasn't I...

"Y-Yes... *sniff* I am sorry... *sniff*" My reply was exactly the same as that of Ciel-san. I turned to the side for a second, and she had an expression that clearly read, 'Comrade♪ Comrade♪' perhaps from a sense of camaraderie from being scolded. *Snap* A vein pulsed in my forehead.

"Cut it out! Both of you!" Rimuru-san admonished. Now it was his turn to have a vein throbbing in his temple.

"Haaaaaah." He sighed deeply as he looked at Ciel-san and I. "It's good to see you are back, Ciel. What happened with Veldora and Reili?"

"They ran away toward the ogre village." Ciel-san replied without any of her usual speech quirks—namely her "my my" and "ufufu". It seems she really is reflecting about her recent attitude.

That Time Rimuru Got a Daughter!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon