Let's Go to Earth! ②: Geez, you guys are hopeless~!

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(Rimuru's perspective)

"What-What happened here?!" I realized we were too late the moment I laid my eyes on the scene. The room was in a complete state of disaster, with bodies lying here and there over the floor. I was too naive! I should've gone and got him the moment I realized he was gone! Though I wanted to deny it, the truth is that I am responsible for this massacre. I didn't personally do it, of course, but...leaving a certain storm dragon unsupervised was the same as doing the deed itself! This is Veldora we are talking about, how could I be so stupid?!

"Oh, Rimuru! Where have you been? Kuahahaha!" Don't 'oh, Rimuru!' me, Veldora! Why do you seem completely unphased by the atmosphere in the room?! There is an air of death, you know?! Death! I kept my thoughts to myself, and instead sent a glance toward Ciel, who was standing next to me with Reili in tow. She nodded, as if saying, 'leave it to me~!' That's right! To deal with a monster, you need to get a demon! And who's more demonic than my dear wife?! Exactly! Nobody!

"Ufufufu! Who're you calling a demon, Da~rling?"

I decided to ignore Ciel's comment, and instead started looking around the room. The place was a police station, more specifically, it was an interrogation room inside a police station. So as expected, the people lying all over the floor were either policemen or detectives. They weren't dead or anything like that, though-not physically, at least.

"...No...No more..."

"Ooishi-san...please...just...let him go...we can't take it anymore..."

...Veldora, what did you do to these poor guys? No, why were you even arrested in the first place? I look at him as if to say that, and my dear brother only tilts his head to the side, confused. Get a hold of yourself, Rimuru, don't hit him! Ciel will do that for you, so keep your cool! No matter how annoying he is! Remember! Patience is a virtue!

"Erm...Detective-san?" Noticing that asking Veldora is a wait of time, I instead turned to look at the old man that was lying flat-faced on the table. Everything from him screamed that he was a veteran officer with countless investigations and arrests under his belt...well, everything other than the fact he looked as if he was going through the five stages of grief. How did Veldora break someone like him?

After noticing I was calling out to him, the old man raised his face from the table, and inside that battle-hardened expression of his, I saw something like hope. Even though he had been completely defeated mere seconds ago, the detective slowly but surely straightened his posture. Then, he finally spoke.

"You...are you this...thing's guardian?" Hey, I know he's a bit troublesome, but calling him a thing is a bit... I thought as I stared at the face of the detective. In the background, I could hear Ciel mocking Veldora, 'Ufufufu! And you call yourself a dragon?!' and Reili defending (?) him 'Mama, you meanie! Uncle Velora might be dumb, but he is a dragon!' but I decided to ignore them.

"Ah...well, yes...kind of. I'm his brother. It's a pleasure to meet you. We're here in the city for vacation, but he got a bit lost, you see-" I was going to explain our circumstances to him, but the detective interrupted me halfway through.

"Ah, yeah, sure, no, whatever, I don't care anymore, just take him away." The moment he heard I was related to him, the detective stood up from his chair and uncuffed Veldora. "Na ha ha ha ha! Here, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go-" H-Hey, stop pushing us, I get it, I get it! We'll leave! The detective quickly regained his energy and started pushing us toward the exit.

"Poor detective-san..." Reili seemed to notice the intense sadness in the man's eyes. She asked her Ciel-mama to carry her, and once she was in her arms, moved closer and patted the detective's head as she smiled at him. "Fight on, yay!" The encouraging words from a girl as little as Reili were super effective! Tears started dropping from Detective-san's eyes! This brought the other officers on the floor back to their senses. They also wanted to be headpatted by Reili-sama!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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