Chapter 11: Wuv you~

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(3rd Person Perspective)

Inside a dark castle, a gathering of special people was taking place. They were those who stood at the top of the food chain in this world; beings with supreme power that terrified the world with their physical tyranny. The Demon Lords.

Currently, there were three of those individuals in one of the rooms of this sinister castle.

"Fufufu..." The first of them was Marionette Master Clayman, the owner of this elegant castle, and thus the host of this reunion.

"Ergh... he's laughing creepily again noda." The second one present in the room was one of the oldest and strongest demon lords, The Destroyer—Milim Nava. That said, even though she was feared as an unstoppable physical force, her personality was nothing befitting of her position as one of the strongest.

Milim was getting goosebumps and shuddering in her seat as she watched Clayman go into his own little world, perhaps plotting something as he always did.

"...Don't mind him." The third voice in the room carried a different feeling from that of the other two. If Clayman's voice represented arrogance with a bit of elegance, and Milim's represented childishness, then this third voice represented strength and oppressiveness. The voice was well complemented with the toned body of its owner. He was none other than Beast Master Carrion, sitting with his arms crossed.

"Fufufu... I can't help it. This is quite an interesting development, you see..." ...But well, it is not as if you muscleheads could understand such a thing. Clayman began speaking as he belittled his fellow Demon Lords, as he always did. That was perhaps Clayman's most distinguishable feature—his arrogance. "There is something going on with this forest. First there is the matter with Veldora's disappearance, and now this recent rampage of magicules whose source we are yet to identify."



Both Milim and Carrion decided to remain silent, waiting for Clayman to continue. They were all gathered there due to Clayman's call, after all.

"We should speed up our plans regarding the orcs. If we time it well, we should be able to avoid any problems regarding whatever caused Veldora's disappearance and that magicule explosion." Clayman explained what was supposed to be the way in which they should proceed with their plans considering everything that was going on. That being said, Clayman simply wanted to divert attention from the event he previously mentioned; most specifically, he wanted to keep his interest in the mysterious magicule collision a secret from the others.

Even though Clayman didn't say it outloud, he understood very well that such an event could be very beneficial if handled correctly, especially if what occurred was exactly as Clayman pictured.

The behavior of those magicules was very similar to that of magicules during combat, and considering the amount released, the people involved must be quite formidable. If I am able to discover who they are, I should be able to bring them under my wing... That was what was going through Clayman's mind at this very moment. Of course, when he referred to 'bring them under my wing,' he was referring to the action of deceiving and manipulating them as he pleases—just as he does with everybody else.

Fufufu... Clayman was so drowned in his arrogance that he didn't even notice the several holes in his plan. The plotting master Clayman was failing to consider two most crucial questions. First, what to do if the individuals in question are too strong for him to handle, and second, what to do if his manipulation proves fruitless; to him, no random being found in the forest would be a threat to him. A certain silver-haired and lovely (?) wife would be grinding Clayman's head in the ground if she ever found out he was thinking such a thing, but there was no way Clayman would ever know that.

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