Chapter 13: Tch, tch, tch, tch, tch...

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(Rimuru's Perspective)

A cruel view was displayed in front of my eyes. It was gruesome, there was really no other way to describe it.

I was really hoping to find a different scene when I arrived, but that was just my wishful thinking. The ground was bathed in blood; the houses and buildings were engulfed in flame; the scent of ashes and burnt flesh filled the air.

And yet, there was not a single soul present. Not only that, but there wasn't even a single body, which would be weird, considering the unreasonable amount of blood spilt everywhere.

"...W-What happened here...?" Benimaru fell to his knees at the unexpected sight. It made sense. Even if he had seen how everybody was getting massacred, there was no way he wouldn't get bewildered if he came back and found literally nobody.

I had already expected this ever since Benimaru arrived at our village and told us they had been attacked by the orcs.

"...This might sound a bit too gruesome to hear, but..." I began to talk nervously. I obviously couldn't hide the information I knew forever. That said, it didn't make it any easier to say, at all. "...They were eaten."

Benimaru turned up to look at me from where he was kneeling. " you mean...?"

"...The bodies. They were eaten. By the orcs." As I said this, Benimaru gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Why do you know that?!" Benimaru stood up in a flash and grabbed me by the collar. There was an indescribable rage in his eyes; it was only natural, considering the situation. "Are you in this together with those pigs?!" He began shaking me, my feet dangling around from the height difference as he held me up.

Beside him, an ogre with white hair looked at us without interfering. He looked very old, and had a japanese-styled sword at his waist. He was none other than Hakuro, who was tasked with Benimaru and the others' safety by the chief of the ogre village. He seemed calm on the outside, but his clenched fist and tight grip on his sword revealed his true feelings. He didn't interfere with Benimaru who was shaking me down as if he was a thug back on Earth. Perhaps he also suspected I had something to do with this.

There was another person, however, who did seem to want to intervene. It was Ciel, who glared at Benimaru with scary eyes. That said, I can't allow this situation to complicate any further, so I sent Ciel a quick admonishing glance to tell her to back down. She did, thankfully, but she was still glaring at Benimaru. The only difference was that she no longer appeared to be entering a battle stance.

"...I am not." I replied simply to Benimaru.

"Then, why...?" His gaze was drawn to the ground, and his grip on my collar seemed to weaken, as my feet were gradually getting closer to the ground.

"An orc lord was born." I began the explanation. "The orc lord has the special characteristic that allows those under his command to obtain properties of the enemies they defeat—by eating them."

"I sent someone from my village to investigate, and we were able to finf that out." After I said that, Benimaru finally lowered me to the ground and fell down to his knees. "...For now, let's head back and rest. There is nothing we can do here anymore." I said with a dejected voice.

It was technically possible to alter this outcome with my skills, but revealing my overpowered and unreasonably unfair skills was not a good move, unless I wanted to catch the world's attention. I do feel bad for Benimaru and the ogres, but it is just too dangerous to reveal my hand like that to the enemy—and to the world. There are some things that are better off unknown.

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