Chapter 14: POW-POW!

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(Rimuru's Perspective)

"Thank you for greeting me! I will give this village, too, the chance to submit to my rule and authority. I hope you will consider it an honor!" Gabil stood imposingly in front of me with his arms wide open, as if he was about to catch a gigantic ball. He wasn't, though; that was simply his pose to spit out stupidities.

A/N: Would you prefer Gabil or Gabiru? For this chapter I'll stick with Gabil, as it is the official name in the translated Light Novels, but tell me what you prefer for me to use in the following chapters.

"I apologize, sir, but asking us out of the blue to submit to you like this—" Rigur took a step forward and offered exactly the same response as he did back in the main timeline. His face was deeply troubled—perhaps he was able to understand this guy possessed some kind of authority. Rigur wasn't in a position to be openly disrespectful, nor was he able to accept the outrageous request the lizardman made.

"Pfft! Have you not heard yet? Those pigs, the orc race, are on the move! They will attack this very village before long. And I am the only one who can save your puny, pathetic hides!" Still, the lizard refused to back down, and took a step forward as if to showcase his determination to get through us. Damn it's as if I was listening to a script. I pretty clearly remember the exact same thing being said by him in the main timeline. It was kind of weird, I am not gonna lie. It was a sense of déjà vu taken to the extreme.

"We are aware of the orc invasion, and we would gladly form an alliance with your village. But do consider this would be an alliance. There will be no submission on either side of this relationship." I declared resolutely. Yeah, we are not going to submit to anybody, you know? We are prideful, and most importantly... Reili is watching me, so I have to be as cool as possible!

I ignored Ciel's exasperated gaze and instead kept my eyes on the bewildered Gabil. No, he isn't bewildered; more like he feels offended, for some reason. Who is this guy who dared to talk back to me?! He surely is thinking something along those lines. Gabil had already changed his gaze from Rigurd toward me.

"Hmph!" He scoffed mockingly. "And you are? No, more than that, what is a human doing here?" I mean, yeah, Rigur looks much more like the village chief than I do; I guess his reaction is understandable. And I am in human form with a limitator on my exuded magicules, so his look toward me as if I was worth nothing is justified. Yeah, that's why, relax yourself, Rimuru. Don't snap against this arrogant lizard. The one who loses his temper loses the war.

The vein that was pulsing on my forehead since his irritating comment finally began to subside. I was ready to complete this conversation in a completely civilized and peaceful manner. That was until I directed a brief glance at a certain silver-haired woman standing beside me. She was...if you want to see it optimistically, smiling, and if you want to see it realistically or if you know her as well as I do, extremely pissed off.

Her expression had already gone past rage and was smiling instead. Reili standing beside her hugging her legs was beginning to slo~wly back away. She didn't look scared, but rather just cautious. She seemed to notice that being near to Ciel right now was equally as dangerous as standing on a bombing zone. Reili finally arrived at my side and hugged my legs. I would appreciate it if I wasn't the second option, you know...

After noticing Reili had backed away, Ciel began looking more eager to do something. Perhaps she was holding back because her dearest daughter was right beside her. I need to control Gabil and his ego or Ciel might really kill him. I made a mental note in my mind.

"I am Rimuru Tempest, the leader of this village. Nice to meet you." I replied courteously, not to rile him up. I even gave a slight bow to show my respect toward the future leader of the lizardmen. I mean, as he wasn't the leader yet this was really unnecessary. If something, he should be the one bowing to me, as I am the actual leader of a village. But well, this is Gabil we're talking about; having a few extra security measures would harm nobody.

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