3.0 Corny

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"I'm all good! Don't worry bout little ole me😉 love you, see you back in forks❤"

I sighed as I read the message from my weird friend. "Well I guess Elise is fine. Are you ready to go home?" I asked looking up from my phone to my husband who seemed to be telling some cheesy joke to one of Carlisle's many acquaintances. "Ready as ever, babe! Let's go. I wanna tell Elise this joke I just learned." He ran over to the car where I was standing and kissed me once softly. "Trust me. Elise does not want to hear your corny joke." Emmett winced and put a hand over his unbeating heart. "Ouch.. that hurts me, you know? " He huffed as if he were offended. "Aw I'm sorry." I leaned in to give him a kiss before stopping. "Sorry your jokes are so corny." I opened the car door and got inside. Emmett trudged to the other side and got in the drivers seat.

"I think you've been spending too much time with Elise."

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The stench of trash and smoke filled my senses as I sat on an empty chair in some nasty cheap motel room.
"You want a drink?" Erik asked as he poured the other half of his vodka into a water bottle. He waved the water bottle around my face.
"No thanks, alcoholic. Why pour it into a water bottle if it was already in a bottle?" I raised an eyebrow. My brother really could be senseless at times.
"Uh, hello? Earth to Elise? It's called stealth mode." He jumped onto the single bed in the room and shoved the water bottle under one of the pillows.
"God you're weird.. anyways! Thats besides the point. I'm getting off track. Let me explain to you what's happening."

. . . . . . . . . . .
I stared at Elise with my mouth wide open. "So... they want me to come... Fight with them or whatever?" I asked. "Kind of. I want you to come back and fight. You're the only way nobody we care about has to die!" She looked desperate. Like I was her last resort and her life depended on my answer. But it doesn't. There is no way I'm going anywhere near the volturi after what happened to Noah and Thomas. She'll get over it.

"I'm sorry but that's not gonna happen. Carlisle has friends. They'll be fine, Elise. You know I can't do anything to help you. I've spent years outrunning those dickheads. You shouldn't get yourself involved either." I stood up and opened the door to the motel and gestured outside. "Is that all?"

"You are such an asshole, Erik. What happened to you? If I would have asked you when we were young you would have agreed immediately. You were a good person!" She stood quickly and pointed her gross dirty finger at me. "First of all, I have worked too hard to stay hidden just to waltz up to the volturi and say fuck you. Do you know where that'll get me? If they see me- if I use my gifts in front of Aro he'll just start chasing me allllll over again. That shit sucks and you know it. I'm not doing that again. I'm sorry Elise but I'm not the same person I used to be." I shrugged and threw my hands up. What the hell was I supposed to do? Bow down to her needs immediately? No thanks. She'll figure it out. "But Dean, we owe it to Carlisle after all he's done for us." She looked me in my eyes, most likely trying to get me to feel bad or something.
"So we've spent centuries hiding ourselves from the volturi and you're just going to throw it away because you owe Carlisle a favor? Are you stupid, Elise?!"

Her face went hard. "Maybe a little."

"Well I hate to tell you this but I'm not going to be stupid with you. You're on your own."

"Okay fine.. if thats the way you want it to be. If you want to keep living this way, hidden from the world all alone in some slum then so be it! See if I give a shit." She pushed passed me and out the door. I thought she'd fight harder than that. Has she really completely given up on me? It's my own fault. I haven't spoken to her in years. It was for her own good though. THIS is for her own good. I'll only cause more problems.

Witch Twins -Then Forever EndedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz