1.0 - Helping a friend

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Present time

Elise's pov:

I woke with a start, sweat covering my body. I'd had the same nightmare again. Alec and Jane burning alive, reaching out to Erik and I, calling our names. We tried to fight our way out of the villagers grasps, but it was useless. We clawed, punched, kicked, and screamed until the villagers knocked us out just like they had done with Alec and Jane's mother.

That memory haunted me every night. My love and my bestfriend dying horrible deaths. Sometimes I wish that I had burned with them. I wish that I didn't have to live with overwhelming heartbreak and pain... but I keep living. Mostly because the only person that would ever be able to kill me is my brother Erik, but also because that's what Alec and Jane would have wanted.

I sigh as I make my way to the bathroom in my small one bedroom apartment. I stand in front of the mirror and just stare at myself. You'd think that I'd be bright and perfect like a goddess considering my immortality, but sadly that's not the case. I observe the dark circles under my eyes, slightly chapped lips, and my sweat covered face. I always woke up this way due to the nightmares.

Erik used to have them too, but I'm not sure if he still does. I haven't seen or spoken to him in... 133 years, I think. He just dissapeared one day out of nowhere. Is he even still alive? I shake my head, trying to rid my thoughts of my brother.

I take a quick shower to wash the sweat from my body and then get dressed in my usual underwhelming outfit. I don't even know why I bother getting dressed it's not like I'll be going anywhere anyways.

I lay back down on my bed and scroll through facebook, liking random posts that make me laugh.

My ringtone startles me as I'm in the middle of reading an inspirational quote. I debate on whether or not I should answer the phone since I don't recognize the number but then decide that I have nothing better to do.


"Elise! I'm so glad that you answered."

"Carlisle?! Holy shit! How are you?! How's your family?!"

"I'm actually not very good right now.. you see... Elise, we need your help."

"Are you still in forks?"


"I'll be there in 10 minutes."

I hung up the phone and frantically started packing. My heart was pounding. Carlisle never asks for help so this must be very serious. I should have asked what was wrong!! But then again I was panicking... I'm still panicking.

I finished packing a couple of outfits, my toothbrush, and hairbrush in just five minutes. Guess I'll be early

I grabbed my bag and then closed my eyes, concentrating on teleporting to Forks and before I knew it I was standing in front of the Cullen's house. Teleporting is and always will be my favorite gift...

I walked to the Cullen's door and raised my hand to knock but before I even could, the door opened. Carlisle Cullen stood in front of me with a small smile on his face. I lunged at him, hugging him tightly. "Carlisle, what's wrong?! You made me so worried!" I pulled away from the hug and looked him in the eyes, giving him a playful glare. "The Volturi.. they think that we've made an immortal child..."

The Volturi. I despised those stupid dickwauds. They've chased after Erik and I for years (but lucky for us we are both quite good at hide and seek)

"An immortal child?... how....why the hell would they think that?!"

"Here. Come inside and I'll explain everything." He stepped aside so that I could go inside.

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