4.0 Wild Things

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The lights around me seem almost majestic. Stretching outward and then inward, growing brighter and then becoming dim again, creating little colorful spots in my vision. I feel like I could stay here forever. The more I walk the more lights consume my vision and mind. My entire body feels numb, like nothing. My brain feels like light itself. I feel weightless as if I could suddenly become unattatched to the earth and drift away. So many different sounds around me overwhelm my senses.

I feel euphoric. Life is beautiful..

Is this what living is?

I should take drugs from strangers more often. What was it he said this was? I don't know. I don't care. Knowing what it is won't change the way I feel. Funny how only a few hours ago I was wallowing in my own self pity. The sound of feet padding against concrete pulled me out of my trance.

"Erik! come on! this way!"

I spun around frantically. "Jane?!" a figure moved past me into the alley way. I stared into the darkness. "Jane? Is that you?" Child's laughter filled the air around me. "This isn't real." I covered my eyes with my palms.


I looked out into the darkness again. "..Alec?" I took a step forward.

"Come on, Erik. "

I started to walk into the alley way before stopping myself once more. "Go away." The sound of laughter erupted again. "You're not real. Go away." I shut my eyes. The laughter abruptly stopped but I kept my eyes closed. Just keep your eyes closed and it'll stop.

"Erik?" Jane's voice rang in my ears like a bell. As beautiful and soft as the last time she said my name.

"Why wouldn't you save us?" Alec spoke. This time his voice was closer. I could imagine him standing just a few feet away. I reached my hand out in the direction his voice came from. My hand met something hard and I immediately pulled away and opened my eyes.

I was shocked.

There stood Alec.

My stomach lurched and I dropped to my knees. Jane emerged from the darkness to stand beside him and I began to sob uncontrolably.

Their clothes were torn and their faces were burnt almost beyond recognition. Their skin was like charcoal and they bled from deep cracks in their skin.
I pounded the palms of hands against my head to rid the image from my brain. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me! This is all my fault. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I choked on my own words. I struggled to gasp for air.

I have to get away from here.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Carlisle has a lot of friends. I mean sheesh I knew the guy was popular but I wasn't expecting so many vampires to show. They came in all sorts of styles. There's a creepy one who's been hiding in the attic, the Denali sisters who I met at the wedding, some really gorgeous amazon women, and a guy who can control the elements. Awesome. Honestly the one who controls the elements is kind of cute. What's his name? I could have sworn Bella said something that starts with a B. Ben? nah I don't think so. I'll have to ask him later.

I wandered around trying to find someone cool to talk to but it looked like everyone was either busy or already immersed in conversation. I went around to the front of the house and found Renesmee sitting on the steps reading a book. "Hey, kid! What ya reading?" I plopped down next to her and peeked over her shoulder.

"Where the wild things are. Aunt Alice got it for me." She smiled up at me and handed me the book. "Oh wow this looks good." I flipped through the pages looking at all of the illustrations. "You've never read it?" she asked, taking the book back when I handed it to her. "No, I haven't read a lot of the newer books, the ones I've read are all old." she giggled. "How old are you?" I glared at her and crossed my arms. "Listen, I'm only like... nevermind that doesn't matter." this made her laugh harder. Even though I was a bit hurt it was nice to hear her laugh so much. She's been so worried about her family. Poor girl.. no kid should have to worry about their family being killed over them..

"Okay, okay, yeah I'm a little old. you happy now?" She kept giggling and nodded. I could hear someone coming around the corner. It wasn't hard to guess who it was when I heard the sound of the two of them whispering and snickering like church women.

Emmett and Seth rounded the corner. deadly duo those two are
"What are you two laughing about?" I asked. "I was just telling Seth about the time Jacob threw a hotdog at Rose... please don't tell her I told you that!" His face went from smug to panicked when he realized Rosalie would have his hide for telling such an embarrassing story. "When did this happen?! And why am I just now hearing this?" I laughed maniacally at the mental image of Rosalie picking onions and chili out of her hair. "Has anyone ever told you your laugh is kind of scary?" Emmett asked, completely serious. I closed my mouth and frowned. "Damn you, Emmett. I'm never laughing again." I said, arms crossed. "No! I mean- your laugh is amazing. I wish I had a laugh like-"

"Okay, Emmett. In case you didn't notice I am having a conversation with Renesmee so if you would kindly get the he-" I remembered I was in the presence of a child. "kindly go away it'd be greatly appreciated."

Emmett threw his hands up and left. "Bye, Elise!" Seth waved and I waved back. "See ya later, Seth." He ran off after Emmett, most likely going to cause some trouble together.
"So, I heard you visited your grandpa Charlie yesterday. Have any fun?"

"Yeah! Sue taught me how to make bracelets. " she showed me the many braided bracelets that adorned her wrist. "Want one?"

"Heck yeah! Those are awesome." She slipped one off of her arm and I held out my wrist.

"Thanks, kid. I love it."

A sudden sickness overcame me. The same feeling I got when something was wrong with Erik. Renesmee noticed my shift in attitude. "What's wrong, Elise?" She looked at me with worried eyes. "Uh nothing. I have to go do something real quick but I promise I'll be back. You have to tell me about your book!" I stood up and ruffled her hair before running off.

Usually when I got this feeling it meant Erik was distressed, but I only ever could feel it when he was nearby. I followed my instinct, walking into the woods behind the Cullen's home.

"Erik?" I walked slowly scanning my surroundings. I heard coughing and muttering and walked towards the noise.

"Fucking farmers and their stupid cows." Erik whispered frantically rubbing his bare foot in the grass. "Erik!" I ran to hug him. "Oh, I'm so glad you're here! I knew you'd come around." I almost cried tears of joy. My brother does love me! I pulled away from the hug to see his dumb-struck face.

".... where the fuck am I?.."


I really hope this isn't too cringe😭 anyways hope whoever reads this finds some entertainment in it because I'm kinda beginning to realize why I thought it was cringe in the first place💀 oh well its not hurting anyone lmao

I've been contemplating a bit of a plot twist but I'm not sure if it will fit the story line? Idk. I'll ask you guys what you think before the time comes and let you decide.
Until then, I love you random person who is probably the only person ever to read an authors note❤❤❤

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