5.0 cow shit

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I feel like the sky used to be more blue. Now everything is kind of grey. Like an old film. The grass isn't vibrant green, but more of a faded brown and the plants all look dehydrated and plain. I wonder if this is what the world actually looks like or if I just can't help but see everything as monotone. When you live for so long you begin to realize just how meaningless everything is. Everyone dies, and everyone is forgotten. The things people think are important no longer mean anything when they're just a rotting corpse in the ground. It's sad honestly. People spend their lives waiting for something spectacular to happen. They wait and wait until they've wasted their entire lives.

I almost envy them. No matter how cruel or pointless a human being's life is they'll still be able to experience the sweet release of death.

I should have been left to die. Instead I've been condemned to an eternal life full of emptiness and questioning.

I watched the clouds move slowly across the sky. The wind blew through the trees, making snow fall from the branches onto the ground.

The snow had not yet stuck.

It dusted the treetops and grass like fine white sand.

"I'm not going out there." Elise sat beside me and put her arm around my shoulder. "We have to. What if they're still alive?"
I stood up, making her hand fall to her side. "Quiet, Elise!" a vase broke nearby, sending glass shards into the air, "They're dead! Burned into ash! Stop saying that. You're only giving yourself false hope." She clenched her teeth and stood to face me "No, you be quiet! Having false hope is better than just giving up on life. You don't give up on the people you love, ever!" My heart started to beat eradically and my hands shook. "What am I supposed to do? Bring them back to life? You saw them burn. You're delusional." Tears built in her eyes.
"Oh, you're going to cry now? Great. Sorry you can't face the truth." She shook her head as the tears fell from her eyes "I don't even know who you are anymore.. you're a bad person!" I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I know."

I remembered that day like it was yesterday. Now that I look back I don't think I was necessarily a bad person. At least not yet. I was just sad. I had become a monster and lost the love of my life all in the span of a few days. I was tired of looking and getting my heart broken every time I found nothing. Elise kept looking for months, but she came to the same conclusion it had only taken me a few weeks to realize. Alec and Jane weren't coming back.

I left a week later.

I couldn't stand the loss anymore. After that I looked for anything that could make me forget. Alcohol, drugs, sex. No stone was left unturned. Eventually I finally did forget, but it wasn't the pain I forgot it was who I was that was forgotten.

I'm miserable. I know, I know. Self pity doesn't look good on anyone. I'm not complaining.. well I kind of am, but I don't think I'd be able to live any other life. You see, this is what I deserve. I deserve to fade away in some disgusting cheap motel full of empty liquor bottles and hypodermic needles because I'm a piece of shit. I am exactly where I belong.

Or I was yesterday.

Today I happen to be laying in an empty cow field. I'm not sure how I got here. After I'd gotten high and started hallucinating I teleported to some small town in Alabama, traded a junkie my shoes for a little bit of heroin, snorted it, and then passed out in this field. I really am living the life.

A figure blocked the sky from my vision. Two emotionless beady eyes stared down at me. "God, I'd kill for a burger right now... no offense." The cow just kept staring blankly. I sat up, every bone in my body sore and aching. My back cracked and popped as I twisted my body around to view my surroundings. The cow that had blocked my view trudged off to join it's herd. "What the hell do I do now?"

"Hey! what are you doing out here!?" a southern old man jumped off of his tractor and advanced towards me.

"shit, shit, shit-" I hurried to stand and my vision went all blurry for a second. Don't do drugs, kids. "Get the hell outta here!"

I took off in the opposite direction of the old man. Please don't step in cow shit..

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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