0.01- prologue

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The Ashbridge twins always loved to play tricks when they were young. They would hide their father's belongings and laugh as he chased them around their small cottage. They would throw pebbles at their neighbor's windows. Although they didn't do that ever again after the time their father had caught them and yelled at them. He'd called them immature and punished them by making them stay inside of their home the rest of the day. That was quite a boring day for them.

There was also the time when their father had told them that they were going to settle farther east in a small village. They hid outside in their favorite climbing tree all day and night, refusing to pack their clothes and leave. They really loved the forest that they lived by. Where the the birds chirped all day long, The streams were crystal clear, and the forest animals all seemed to be friendly.... but they had to come down eventually.

The trip was the worst. They didn't have a horse so they'd walked the entire way. The twins tried not to complain, but their father made it hard by only stopping once every few hours.

"Just a few more miles." He said every time either one of them complained.

Erik was usually the one to complain. He wasn't as happy go lucky as his sister. He always liked to throw pinecones at the deer in the forest, and make fun of Elise. He called her a baby, and always pulled her hair when she retaliated by calling him childish. He wasn't always so mean though. He defended his sister when she got into trouble and he was always the one to hold her hand when she got hurt.

Elise on the other hand was very kind. She never judged anyone and saw the goodness in every person. She loved to compliment people. It made her heart happy when they smiled and thanked her. She liked making people's days better. Except for when she played tricks. When she played tricks she mostly did it for innocent fun, but sometimes revenge when her brother made her angry. She loved him though and knew very well that he loved her too even though he was mean to her.

When they made it to the village Elise thought it wasn't so bad, but Erik automatically hated it. He could already tell that the villagers were rude and judgmental due to the looks they were giving the twins. He could hear people whispering that their town was cursed because there was now two sets of twins and that the 'new twins' must be witches too.

"Did you hear that? These people believe we are witches, sister." He said quietly into his sisters ear as they continued walking through the village with their father. "Yes, I heard. But we are not and that's all that matters. I don't care what they think. Anyways, did you hear them say that there are other twins here? I've never met any other twins before. Such a strange coincidence." She'd said back. He just nodded instead of answering her. He didn't feel like explaining what it meant to be accused of being witches. If the townspeople truly believed it then they would be burned at the stake.

The thought made him shudder.

After weeks of living in the forest while their father constructed their new home with the help of about five other men, the twins had met almost all of the villagers. They had seen the other mysterious twins around but they seemed to keep to themselves.
Erik had no desire to meet these other children. He knew becoming friends with them could only lead to trouble. Elise, of course, wasn't alarmed. She had been begging her father to go to the twins house to introduce herself for days. "I beg you, father! I know where their home is and I can get there safely! Erik will walk with me." She tugged on her father's sleeve and pouted. "Elise.. you know thats not my concern." He frowned. He hated to upset his daughter but what she was asking was dangerous. The towns people already felt disdain towards them, becoming acquainted with two children accused of using dark magic would only put his children in more danger. "Please father! Nobody will know. I will only ask again and again and again and again and agai-" her father put his hand up. "Peace, Elise! You can go! But only if your brother agrees to go with you and you stay away from the other villagers." He caved. He knew his daughter wasn't lying when she said she would just continue to ask. "Yes! Oh, thank you, father! Thank you! I'll go ask Erik now." She began to skip away before her father stopped her.
"Wait! Elise... promise me you will be careful." He pointed his finger at her as if it would somehow miraculously make her behave. "Of course, father!"
And with that said she ran off.

"Elise... is this really a good idea? You are being stupid!" Erik told his sister. Elise ruffled his blond hair and smiled.

"It will be fun! And I am not stupid!"

Erik groaned. He knew there was no chance of convincing his sister to stay away from the other twins. The only thing he could do was go with her and keep her safe. So he did.

Elise and Erik soon found the house that their father was speaking of. Elise started to regret her decision as she became nervous. But she wasn't given a chance to turn back, because her brother grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the house. They could hear laughter and Elise relaxed a bit, but not completely. The laughter was coming from behind the house so that's where Erik led Elise.

When they turned the corner they saw two children about the same age as them, 12 years old. They were chasing each other around the yard. The boy stopped though when he saw the two strangers watching him. His sister stopped too when she noticed and looked over to where he was looking. "Who are you?" The boy asked. Erik looked over at Elise. "Umm..... I'm Elise and this is my brother Erik. We came to meet you... uh.. because we thought it'd be nice since we're twins too." She mumbled it, but just loud enough for the witch twins to hear. The girl smiled at Elise. "Really? You're twins too? That's splendid! I've never met any other twins before! I am Jane and this is my brother. His name is Alec." She beamed at the Ashbridge twins. Erik couldn't help but notice her bright blue eyes and blonde hair. To him she was eerily perfect. Like an angel. Her brother on the other hand had brown hair and eyes that were blue, but seemingly darker than his sister's. Erik turned red when Jane caught him staring and smiled at him. He just sent her a sheepish smile back.

"I have a feeling we're going to be great friends." Elise said, relaxing at Jane's friendliness.

"Yes. I believe we will." Jane said back.


Okay.... that was long. (That's what she said) and I'm not even finished with the prologue yet because I need to tell what happened and blah blah blah. I'll just make a part two. I guess I got a liiiitttle carried away😊. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter and all the chapter to come! (If I don't delete this by tomorrow.)
I might just continue to explain what else happened throughout the story instead of adding a second part to the prologue.

Witch Twins -Then Forever EndedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon