What True Love Is/ Vows To My True Love

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I never knew what true love was,
But when I met you I was sure.
It's the way you look at me the same wether I'm dressed up or sick in bed all day.
It's the way you hold me so tight every time you hug me.
It's the way you kiss me goodnight,
And when you turn over and kiss my cheek in your sleep.
It's the way you'll wake up out of a dead sleep to help me tame my hair for work at 6:30 in the morning.
The way you always think about me first and make sure I'm always comfortable.
When I'm sick and don't want to get out of bed and you do all my nightly chores for me on top of your own.
The way you answer the phone or call me when I'm not around you and I can hear that spark in your voice because your just happy to hear mine.
The little messages you write to me on the mirror after I've fallen asleep before you.
The way we play fight, and the way you smile at me.
Even when we're having an argument, I know we will be ok and make it through. because I know your love for me is true and mine to you.
I promise to love you, through the good and the bad, and we'll make it no matter what life throws at us because we're stronger together. 
Forever and always my love.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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