Hot breath of thought

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I stare at the blank ceiling that's become quite mesmerizing,
Below, your arm lay upon my chest and between my breasts,
all the way up to where your hand lay lightly holding my neck
Under the hot blanket I can't tell if your over or under my shirt because I dare not move
Your breath is on my collar bone, making me feel a certain way
Your right arm is stretched out under my left one and across my shoulder blades,
Extending out the other side where your hand lay limp slightly elevated
It looks quite uncomfortable but you look so sound
My left arm wraps from under your neck to your left shoulder where my hand rests lightly
I move my free hand to my face to relieve an itch
A bad idea on my part for even my slightest movement makes you shift
Your left leg now lay across both of my thighs and your lips press a few soft kisses to my cheek
a whispered "I love you" before finally resting your lips on my cheek bone
I feel your breath now hot on my face and I pretend to sleep
But the smile on my face proves otherwise as I write this poem in my head
The ceiling is the only thing paying attention
It knows what I'm thinking
Only it knows the words that I truly thought in the moment
A poem within itself without rhythm
But still as beautiful

Author Free WritesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora