Chapter 5 {Edited}

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Katrina woke to the sound of pots and pans banging. Blinking rapidly, confusion began to set in. She had no memory of getting in to bed, but since thats where she was it must have happened. Sitting up quickly, she began to look around, taking in the features of the room. There were several worn out blankets covering her body but she pushed them to one side. The room itself was small, with a small pallet raised off the ground forming a bed. Bright coloured flowers stood in a jar on top of an old looking shest of drawers opposite the bed and a small window off to the right side of the bed stood open letting fresh air into the room. With confusion still clouding her mind, Katrina was jolted out of her musings by more noises from elsewhere in the building. Slowly and silently she climbed out of bed determined to leave the room and investigate the intruiging noises. As soon as she pushed herself upright, her legs gave way beneath sending her to the ground with a loud thump and leaving her sprawled on the floor. Groaning, Katrina pushed herself into a sitting position, oblivious to the footsteps nearing her room.

“Oh my dear! What are you doing down there?” a kind voice asked. Katrina jerked her head up, staring at the woman who now stood in the doorway. “Come now child, lets get you back into bed.” The lady moved briskly, determined to get Katrina off the floor. Saying nothing, Katrina backed up as the lady advanced. The lady paused and crouched in front of Katrina.

“My name is Hannah, what’s yours?” Hannah asked in a gentle manner that reminded Katrina of someone…

“My name is… My name is…” Katrina paused, thinking deeply. “My name … I-I-I-I don’t remember!” At that realization she curled up into a ball and burst into tears. Hannah gathered the child up in her arms, her heart breaking at the sight of the child’s distress.

“Oh sweetheart, hush now. We’ll figure it out” Hannah kept rocking back and forth, hoping to soothe the child. “Shhh, that’s it. Dry those eyes. Would you like something to eat?” with a nod from the girl, Hannah stood up and held out a hand. Slowing her sobs, Katrina took Hannah’s hand and together they went into the kitchen where Hannah had been preparing lunch.

Katrina remained quiet during lunch, barely eating the food in front of her. Hannah was reluctant to push the girl too much. It worried her thar she could not remember her name and even though Hannah already knew a bit about the child from the letter her mother had left behind and just from general hear say around the kingdom, she did not want to force her to remember. It was unclear how the child would react if she was pushed too far when trying to rcover her memories.
She decided to hold off talking to the girl until after she had eaten. James had taken the children to the nearest village to keep them occupied and away from their little guest. Katrina finished eating an apple and glanced around the room. There were three empty seats at the table and several pairs of shoes lined up near the door. Hannah followed her gaze, but did not comment. Instead she asked

“How old are you sweetheart?” Hannah found it adorable watching how the girl scrunched up her nose in concentration. It was difficult for Hannah to hold back all the things she had heard about the young princess, especially seeing her trying so hard to remember.

“Umm. I'm.. um.. Seven, I think.” Katrina replied, her voice soft.

“My youngest two children are just a little older than you. I have three: Peter is thirteen, Ellen and Ethan are both nine. Peter was with my husband James when you were found yesterday.” Hannah paused, giving Katrina a moment to take this information in. “James took the children out this morning, we didn’t want them scaring you. They should be back in time for tea. Now sweetie, I know its hard but do you remember what happened to you?”

Katrina had been staring at Hannah, focused on what wwas being said until Hannah asked that last question. Uncomfortable, she started to fidgit in her seat an looked out the window, turning her attention to the forest nearby.

“It’s okay honey, if you can--” Hannah started, turning back to the task at hand.

“Voices” Katrina whispered, making Hannah look at her.

“What was that dear?”

“Voices,” Katrina repeated in a stronger voice. “Men’s voices, and a lady. The lady told me to hide… said the bad men were coming for us. I did what she said but she left me….” Tears started to roll down her cheeks at remembering the abandonment.  “The men broke things, but I’m a good hider. They didn’t find me.”

“No sweetie, they certainly didn’t.” Hannah reached over and grasped the girls hand.

“Something hit my hiding place… My head hurts…” Katrina trailed off into silence, her small hands reaching up to tug on her hair. Hannah gently pulled the girl closer and gathered her into her lap, stroking her back in an attempt to soothe the girl. Katrina looked completely lost and with having no awareness of her name, Hannah decided to take the matter into her own hands.

“What do you think of the name Kate? We need to call you something and that name is a favourite of mine, it was my grandmothers.”

Katrina’s eyes widened at the suggestion.

“It’s pretty. So I’m Kate now?” She asked with a hint of confusion.

Yes dear, if you would like to use that name, it is what we will call you. We would also like it very much if you stayed here with us.”

“If I stay, what will I call you?” Katrina frowned, starting to get very confused.

"Well, you can call me Hannah, or you could call me mum.” Katrina gave a small smile, thinking it over for a moment. She looked up at Hannah and tilted her head slightly.

"I would like that very much... mum." At that Hannah reached forward to give Katrina a hug. For now, everything seemed to be alright.

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