Chapter 6 {Edited}

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Seven years passed by since that fateful day and with each year Kate grew into a magnificent young woman. During the first few months that Kate was living with the Jacobs family, both James and Hannah were wary of any soldiers or unusual visitors in the nearby village. They had kept Kate's heritage a secret from everyone, even their own children. All any one knew was that James and Hannah had a new addition to the family who was supposedly a distant relative on Hannah's side of the family. Peter had been sworn to secrecy about how Kate had truly arrived into the family, even though he was able to clearly recall how he had discovered the small child in the ruined cottage. He easily accepted the story his parents gave to anyone who asked about Kate, as did his younger brother and sister. Neither Ethan or Ellen put much thought into where this child appeared from, just that she was now part of the family and they got to play the role of elder siblings, a role which they both acted upon with great delight.

For Kate, living with the Jacobs was life changing experience. Her memory was still lost to her and at times it felt like something was missing, but she could feel in her heart that she was well loved and the feeling of safety and family that she was surrounded with would stay with her no matter what happened. Each member of the Jacobs family was able to teach her a wide variety of life lessons, and new experiences that Kate could not get enough of. She never questioned what Hannah or James told her about how she came to live with them which helped her to become fully integrated with the household, so much that she did not try to remember life before her seventh year. James taught her how to hunt, to use a bow and a sword but also about respecting nature. Hannah encouraged her to cook and to clean, the basics for looking after a family of her own. All of the children were taught the same lessons, and each was encouraged to develop their skills in any area they specifically enjoyed. The boys preferred to work with the wood, Peter began to create carvings, starting out small and as the years passed he began to move onto larger works that he was able to sell at the weekly market, while Ethan followed in his father's footsteps in the family business of tree felling. Ellen liked to stay at home, as did most young women, learning to clean, cook and care for the home. Kate on the other hand, longed to explore the wilderness of the forest surrounding their home. She was constantly restless but always surpressed the urge to disappear into the forest so she could help and learn from her family.

Both Peter and Ethan quickly took their new found role as older brothers seriously, arranging it so that Kate would either be left at home with Hannah and Ellen or was always in the company of the boys, helping to put a halt to any chance Kate had to explore the area. At first Kate didn't mind, she enjoyed the company but as the years passed, the constraints began to chafe. It was at this point that Kate began to take chances, sneaking off into to the trees for some much-needed solitude and the chance to develop her adventurous nature. The first few times, Peter and Ethan brushed it off, putting it down to boredom of staying at home, but after a while the idea of Kate running around on her own in the forest began to really concern Peter. The first time Peter decided to talk to his father about the situation, James just chuckled and gave him a look of amusement at his worries.

"How would you like it son, if you were limited to where you go, who you meet and what you do whilst your brother and sisters were able to do what they wished without such boundaries?"

Peter gave his father a dark look, instantly rejecting this suggestion.

"I would hate it but -"

"No 'buts' Peter," James interrupted him before he could continue. "I understand the need to keep her safe, more so than you will ever know. But our little Kate is growing up. I think the time is right to give her some space to explore."

"Father, I..." Peter trailed off, his understanding warring with his need to protect Kate. He let out a deep sigh and looked down at the ground before speaking in a quiet voice, "I can try. But I keep seeing her so small and quiet in that broken barrel. It's so hard for me to let her out of my sight."

"I know son, I'll talk to Kate at first light to explain what will happen and her new boundaries before you and I go hunting."

"Yes father," agreed Peter, satisfied that James would be dealing with the situation.

"Right, now son. I must be on my way, I'll be working near the Hunters cottage today. There are several trees there that need to be felled before they cut off the trail, and yes I shall bring you back some logs for you to carry on carving. I am so proud of the man you are becoming Peter." He stood up from his perch and clapped Peter on the shoulder before heading off towards the door leaving Peter lost for words. It was not often that James passed out praise and when he did, it always left each of his children in a stunned silence.

With that last comment ringing in Peter's ears, James left the house, picking up his axe and beginning the trek to the trees. Peter remained sat at the kitchen table, pondering over whst his father had told him trying to understand just what was going to happen and how he he should start preparing himself for Kate's future explorations. While he was sat there lost in his thoughts Kate bounced into the room, pausing when she spotted Peter. For some perculiar reason Kate had never quite felt confident around Peter, she wasn't sure but it could possibly have been because he always seemed to put a damper on anything fun she wanted to do or try before she had even voiced the question.

"Good morning brother," she murmured softly. Peter looked up and sighed, having not noticed her entering the room.

"And a good morning it shall be little sister."

Kate smiled, this was the response Peter had given her ever since she first took to calling Peter, Ethan and Ellen her brothers and sister.

"Well? What are the plans for today?" She asked eagerly, as always her excitement for the day's activities overrode her shyness to being around Peter. Looking at him closely, Kate could tell that he was deep in thought. After living with the Jacobs' for so many years Kate now 14 summers old, had developed a considerable amount of understanding when gauging her family's moods, and what to do in response. Peter looked at Kate, his fathers' words weighing heavily in his mind.

"Today... Ellen and Ethan are going to the village, so if you need anything add it to Ellen's list." Kate did a quick mental check before shaking her head to indicate that no, she did not actually need anything. Her shoulders slumped slightly at the thought of missing another chance of going to the village. Peter continued, "Okay then, in that case the choice is up to you."

Kate glanced at Peter in surprise. He had never given her the option on what to do for the day. She braced herself waiting to hear the options he was offering.

"I'm going to my workshop so you can either come with me or stay here with Mother." He paused, giving her a moment to think. "Or you can explore a bit more. I don't like you wandering on your own but if you do something like gathering berries while you are out then I guess that I can get used to the idea."

Kate rushed over to Peter giving him a huge hug.

"Thank you." She mumbled over and over, before stepping back with a huge smile on her face. Peter was surprised by her move. It was rare for Kate to act on impulse so receiving a reaction such as that filled his heart with warmth and love for his adopted sibling.

"Don't thank me little sister," Peter began, as he drew her in for another hug. "It was Father who reminded me I can't protect you forever. Now, he will be talking to you about this tomorrow so don't go too far today, okay?"

"I promise!" Kate replied before running off to the room she shared with Ellen.

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