Chapter 9

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Hannah made her way back into the kitchen, giving her children a moment of privacy. She had heard the harsh words that Peter had spoken that morning but she also the tears and the fear when he realised that Kate had not returned for lunch, or for dinner. She could not deny that she had the same fears, she always did fear for Kate wandering around alone but it was more apparent after the accident that had taken her husband’s life. It had been hard these past few weeks without James, but the family was strong. Peter had stepped up as provider for the family, supported by Ethan. The two girls helped Hannah around the house with the chores and the cooking. It was rather surprising to Hannah that Kate stuck so closely. This was nothing like the girl she had raised, yes she was helpful and fully immersed herself in the tasks she was given but she was no longer the carefree girl, no longer full of light and laughter. Instead she was quiet and withdrawn. The whole situation worried Hannah. She had felt a sense of relief when she overheard Kate that morning talking to Peter, saying that she wanted to go walk through the trees. But Peter, oh lord!  Sometimes she wanted to kick some sense into that boy. How could he not see that Kate was finally getting back to herself, that she needed her space? Hannah sighed and looked down into the sink. One of these days it would all work out, but until then she would protect Kate with all her being.

The back door closed with a bang, and arms wrapped around Hannah’s waist from behind startling her. She glanced down at the hands holding her and saw Kate’s small hands.

“I’m sorry mama,” Kate said, her voice muffled by Hannah’s back. “I didn’t mean to stay away this long.”

“I know child, I’ve been so worried about you.” Hannah tugged on Kate’s arms to loosen her grip. Turning around, Hannah pulled Kate into a hug. “You don’t know just how worried I’ve been.” Her words became muffled in Kate’s hair. Hannah closed her eyes and took a deep breath, reminding herself that no one was going to take her baby from her.

Nobody knows the secret she has held on to for so long and it was not yet time to tell Kate the truth about her past. This encounter with soldiers had shaken Hannah, almost as bad as losing James had. The sound of footsteps coming into the kitchen broke her out of her thoughts. Slowly, she moved Kate back to look into her face. Peter’s voice sounded loud in the small kitchen.

“It’s been a long day mother, I think its time we all called it a night.” Hannah looked up at Peter and nodded. She pushed a strand of hair out of Kate’s face and gave a small smile.

“Yes dear, you’re right. Now, hurry on to bed, its rather late!" Kate hesitated before giving Hannah another hug and making her way towards her bedroom, leaving Hannah and Peter in the kitchen. Hannah looked at Peter. “You too my boy.”

“Mother,” Peter started, a small smile crept onto his face. “I’m not a boy and you know it.”

Hannah reached up and patted Peter on the cheek. “You’ll always be my little boy.”  Giving his cheek another pat, Hannah turned and began to make her way towards the stairs. Before she reached them, she felt Peter’s hand grasp her wrist. She glanced back and saw a curiously concerned look on his face. He looked so like his father in that moment. Dark hair long enough to begin curling at the nape of his neck and eyes such a vivid green seeming to stare straight into the soul. A small wave of panic rose in her chest, fear that Peter would ask her about the day’s events. Hannah turned more fully towards Peter and gave a tentative smile. “Goodnight dear one, we will talk in the morning”

“You see that we do Mother, I don’t like you worrying.” Concern coloured Peters voice as he let go of her arm.

“I know Peter,” Hannah sighed. “It will be all right in the end.” As she turned back towards the stairs, Peter thought about what she had just said and did not know what she meant by those words, was she trying to reassure him or herself with that belief?

Taking a deep breath, Peter turned and looked around the kitchen. He sat down at the table while trying to make some sense of all that had happened that day. So much had changed in a small space of time. The passing of his father, Kate’s urge to stay home, his brother and sister both taking on more responsibilities around the home, and his mother coming out of a shell. How could he have not seen that in taking on the main responsibilities of the household, that there was the potential to damage the spirit of his family? That he could hurt one of the most precious people to him?

A conversation rose in his mind that he had with his father, a little under two seasons ago, a conversation that changed his opinion of his behaviour towards his adopted sibling. But thinking about the past few weeks, he had reverted back into the over protective big brother that refused to let Kate out of his sight. Ellen could go about her business as normal but not Kate, it was not fair on her and he knew it.

As James had once asked him: how would he feel if he was in her position?

If he was treated in such a manner he would have struck the one responsible. He had been hurtful and angry, he could see it easily now how his fear had led him there. Peter stretched his arms onto the table and frowned. Fear. Just what was it that he was scared of?

Slowly he pushed himself away from the table and gave the room a cursory glance before blowing out the candles, extinguishing the light from the room. Making his way towards his bedroom his thoughts were drawn back to his mother. Something was definitely bothering her, but he would have to wait for the morning to come to find out what it was.

While Peter was readying himself to sleep, Kate lay in the room she shared with Ellen. The events of the day were also running through her head, but unlike her brother, the most pressing concern in her mind was who those soldiers were searching for. Rolling onto her back, she stared up at the ceiling. The person must be important if there was so many people looking for her. A feeling of guilt washed through her as she realised that she had not mentioned to her mother about the close encounter. At this she thought to herself, ‘it can wait until morning, after all there’s nothing to be done about it now’. Her last coherent thoughts ran towards the uniform of the men, as sleep began to overtake her.

The following morning dawned with bright sunlight streaming through the windows, and birds chirping with the energy of a new day. Kate stretched her arms above her head, steadily waking herself up. It was going to be a long day, she could tell. She glanced over to the other bed in the room where Ellen slept. She looked so peaceful; it was a shame to have to wake her but wake her is what must be done! Kate crept out of bed, as silently as possible and made her way over to Ellen’s sleeping form. She stifled a giggle at the mischievous thoughts running through her head. A plan formed in her mind as she reached her sleeping sister. Today’s wake up call was going to have a bit of a bounce to it.

‘Right, after three,’ Kate thought to herself, a grin spreading across her face. ‘One… Two… THREE!’

“ELLLLLEEENNN!!!” Kate shouted, jumping up on the bed causing Ellen to jump into wakefulness. Panic was clear on her face at the rude awakening. Kate kept jumping as giggles worked their way out of her throat.

 Ellen reached up and grabbed hold of Kate’s wrists, dragging her down onto the bed. “Why can you never wake me up like a normal person!” she hissed. It was clear that she was not a morning person.

“Aww sis, don’t be like that,” a voice drawled from the doorway. Ethan stood, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. “It’s always good to have a laugh in the morning. Even if its when you get Kate back for the wake up calls!” At that he rushed into the room and began to tickle Kate while Ellen kept hold of her wrists. It felt like old times, the three of them messing around in the morning before breakfast. The only difference was Peter didn’t join in their antics anymore.

“Okay, okay! I give up! Please let me go!” Kate begged, her words broken by bursts of giggles.

“Aha! We remain the champions.” Ethan exclaimed, grinning at Ellen. “Revenge enough for you?"

“Oh I think that’ll do for now,” laughed Ellen. “Now, scoot. I need to get up and help mother with breakfast.” With that, Ellen pushed both Kate and Ethan off the bed and hurried off in the direction of the stairs with Ethan following close behind her. Kate gave another laugh and shook her head. Mention food and he’s right there! Turning around, Kate shook her hair out and tied it up with a blue ribbon. After breakfast, she would tell Hannah what happened yesterday, about the men in the forest. Nodding her head in agreement with her thoughts, Kate headed off to the kitchen for the day to officially begin.

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