Author Note

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25th August 2014 (Bank Holiday Monday, yippee!)

Hey All,

Just letting you (and any one who reads this in the future) know that as of right now the prologue and chapters 1-3 have been re-edited. Just for a laugh I re-read what I had originally written and I'm immensly pleased with the changes that I've made (more than doubled the word count on those 4 chaptersin total!) so I'd like to say thanks to those who read/commented through the book club for giving me all sorts of tips, offered advice and most importantly asked the questions that could have kept everyone puzzled for quite some time!! Not gonna mention names, just need to look at the very useful comments :D

It helps to know where you could be going wrong and its nice to have praise when things are going great or have become noticably better. So yeah. Thanks to anyone who's helped me so far on this random journey that my story is taking


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