Chapter 26

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***A/N: So as you can see I've been attempting to do some editing (finished looking at chap 4 last week), I think it's time I got something new out on this story! It might not be good, quite a bit shorter than other chapters and it most definately won't be perfect but here it is! Please take a moment to comment, it will help to make improvements on ALL chapters!!***

Up in his throne room, King Raphael of Rynemona cackled to himself. His plan was coming together just as he had seen it. Thinking about all that he had been doing brought a sinister smile to his face. The day was coming when he could finally take down that idiotic king of Eardheorte. Nothing would be able to stand in his way!

It had been twenty years since he had first put this plan together and eighteen years since it was first put into action. It was common knowledge that the best way to win a war was to exploit the weakness of the enemy, no matter what or who it was, and the weakness of that king was the for all to see. Family. A word Raphael despised. To him, family was weak, if they couldn't handle what was dealt to them then they did not deserve to be called by that title. If it wasn't for the fact he needed his son to carry on his rule of the kingdom he would have killed the boy long ago when his mother took that final step into the afterlife. Raphael had long wanted to expand his kingdom, taking the throne of his most hated rival would bring him a sense of pleasure so great there would never be anything to match it.

Outside Rynemona, people would say that it is a beautiful land. Views of the sea off the western coastline that streched as far as the eye could see, both the north and south were dominated by mountains  The kingdom of Eardheorte bordered Rynemona on the east, and to Raphael, was the way forward for his kingdom. Taking control of Eardheorte away from King Thomas would be an achievement for Raphael not only as a king but it would finally give him his chance at revenge on Thomas and his family for the years of rejection and suffering he was subjected to throughout his youth and well in to his adult life. His father before him, King Christophe had been tough on the kingdom and his family in particular,  always comparing them to the ruling neighboring families and showing his dissatisfaction when things did not go his way. Needless to say this had a permanent effect on Raphael, and his resentment of Eardheorte grew and grew. There had been a time when he would have been willing to bury his anger but like all his other hopes, it was torn down and crushed beneath a young woman's boot.

Moving over to the window, he looked out over the courtyard and stared down at the servants scurrying around. A sinister grin crossed his face as he thought about what he would do next. It would only be a matter of time before his men caught up with the girl that would change the fate of Rynemona.

Exploiting the enemies weakness, that was precisely what Raphael intended to do when he caught that child. Several questions ran through his mind about the girl - what did she look like, would she act just like her mother, would the world realise the lengths he would go to for the sake of his kingdom, and above all would Thomas figure out that it was Raphael that set out to ruin his family all those years ago and continued to do so to this day?

Raphael chuckled to himself and rubbed his hands together thinking about how Thomas would react when his plan falls completely into place. Soon he would have his revenge, on both Thomas and his oh so perfect little sister Sarah. Turning away from the window, Raphael sat at his desk and pulled out his journal and began writing the days entry, adding to his schemes for what he would do when he had his hands on the girl, the people he would have control over and power he would gain from it all. His son would no longer cause a problem, but if he kept acting the way he had earlier with that worthless servant girl then he might have to break him earlier than planned.

Sitting back in his seat, Raphael stared across the room at the portrait of his family from years ago. Frowning at the happiness that was clearly false his anger returned. Storming out of the room he began shouting for mead to be brought to him. Drinking would bring him peace, free his mind without care of the consequence, and if anyone got hurt in the process, well that would just be their own fault.

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