Chapter 7

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This has taken me so long to write. I knew what was going to happen but it was the getting there that was the hardest. I noticed that I never really put in any descriptions of any character - I will be trying to amend that in future chapters and adding them in when it comes to editing. Anyways, hope this is good and you all enjoy it! Please comment etc. Thanks!


So it began. Kate grasped at her new found freedom with both hands, and regularly collected herbs, berries and flowers for Hannah. Each item she brought home had its use: the various herbs could be used in medicine, the berries for food, and the flowers to brighten the home. Often during these explorations Kate would come acts a plant or tree that she did not recognise, and it was at times like this when her relationship with Peter bloomed. She would collect a sample for Peter to examine, and if it were a plant that he did not know, Kate would come up with new names such as ‘twizzle thorn’, and ‘hazel bark’ after different features of the plants. Ethan began to follow in his fathers footsteps felling trees, and Ellen in her mothers through looking after the home so their interest and time with Kate was slowly diminishing. There were times that Kate would help them, learning more from them. Neither minded her presence, they were more than happy to have her around and showed more patience than others would have with younger siblings.


After a few months, everything settled down. Spring turned into summer, and work picked up for James. Trees at their great heights needed to be felled for safety reasons, as well as for the lumber. As usual, James left with the sunrise, taking Ethan with him as was becoming the norm. The remainder of the family went about their duties, and Kate set about making her plans for the day.

“Kate my darling, are you going out today?” Kate looked up from her spot in front of the fire, surrounded by various pieces of parchment.  Hannah was standing beside the window having just finished cleaning the table. Kate nodded in confirmation that she was planning to go on one of her wanderings through the woods. “Could you take this basket of sweet-cakes to your father and Ethan? I’m sure they’ll appreciate a visit from you.”

Kate beamed; she loved going to find James and Ethan. It was like a game of hide and seek to her, as she never knew where they would turn up. Grabbing the basket up from the kitchen table, she rushed out of the door, laughing as she heard Hannah yelling about her not wearing a cloak.

She set off through the woods, taking the winding trail towards the river. This was one of her favourite routes – so peaceful with the water running alongside the path and beautiful flowers of all sorts of colours lining both sides of the pathway. Of all the varieties displayed around, the golden yellow of the daffodil were her favourite as they reminded her of the sunshine, and of something she could not quite remember, but this did not mean that the poppies and daisies were not as pretty in colour.

Skipping along the trail, Kate began to whistle as she often did when she was off to find James. Visiting James always put her in a good mood, and with the sun shining and the birds singing it seemed to her that the world was as happy as she was. The trail wound on and on following the path of the river until it reached an impassable mound of rocks. Kate had only been past these rocks once before and with her good mood, she only scowled momentarily before following the track off to the right where it disappeared back into the woods. This was new territory for Kate, she had not ventured into this area before and needless to say she was excited by the prospect of new places to explore, new things to see and to name. As Kate followed the trail, she began to notice plants she recognised, herbs such as rosemary and mint, she also spotted colourful plants that seemed to bring life back to the floor of the woods. Bluebells mixed with the yellow of daffodils and the pinks of foxglove, together created an almost rainbow effect, causing Kate to pause at different moments in awe of the beauty she could see.

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