heart screams

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about an hour later

nats pov

since the team isnt gonna be back till like tomorrow we set up a room for the kid, gave them a long shirt and showed them where the bathroom is before closing the door. 

'did you notice the blood on their shirt?' wanda questions me and i nod 

'yeah i wonder whats it from, however they did seem to hurt themselves right when we walked it. they seem accident prone' i tell her noticing how she ran into a couple walls. wanda nods and says goodnight as she goes back to her room. 

i wake up from a nightmare except i didnt wake up on my own i was being held. it takes me a second to know who was holding me but once i got it i knew. wanda.

3 and a half minutes ago

y/ns pov

im still up at this time in the morning just un able to sleep. i cant really go back to my floor to work on stuff without being suspicious so i sit and stare at the ceiling. until i hear a scream. it isnt that loud but its a painful hearty scream (if that makes sense) i get up from bed and debate going into i think nats room where i believe it was coming from slowly i open the door and see the red head crying and shaking. 

fuck. i dont know how to comfort someone. and i dont think its my place to like hold them or something. i back out of the room and look at the doors finding the one with the word wanda on it or well name. i knock but after a minute of nothing i go in. god this feels so wrong. ive only ever been in their rooms when i had to clean them when they were away not in this situation. 

i walk over to the bed that was in the middle of the room and after alot of debate softly shake wanda. she wakes suddenly and throws me back pinning my arms to the wall. i look at her surprised but expected an outcome like this 

'y/n?, you okay' she asks me, i nod and she releases her magic

'uh natasha's screaming, nightmare i think' i say and thats when she hears it. she bolts out of bed and into nats room. 

i dont know what to do do i go to nat or go back to my room stay here. inevitably i walk to the kitchen for water. 

wandas pov

i rush into nats room to see her crying and shaking and moving her arms around. i use my magic to tightly wrap her blanket around her like shes being swaddled before getting in behind her to hold the russian. shes still crying and hasnt woken. 

'naaat' i coo softly 'natasha' i gently wipe her tears raising my voice from a whisper. she wakes up trying to spring out of bed but cant by the blanket. she freaks for a second before relaxing into my hold. 'do you want to talk about it' i ask but know the answer 

'no im fine' i raise my eyebrows at her words. im fine never means your fine. 'im sorry for waking you' she apologises, 

'y/n woke me actually she was the first to hear you' i tell her. 

'well if you would kindly help me out of this blanket burrito thingy i want to talk to her' she says struggling to move her limbs 

'hey, it was soo you didnt hurt yourself. you flail ur limbs around sometimes. and break your wrist more than you admit' i tell her helping to undo the blanket. she rolls her eyes and searches for y/n.

nats pov

okay so not in her room. i look to my left and see the kitchen light on. walking down the hall i see the teen with a glass of water in her hand

'sorry for waking you' i apologise going to get water myself 

'its okay you didnt i was up anyway' she tells me not making eye contact. i turn to the oven reading the time 

'at half past 4?' i ask her 'you should be asleep' im confused i thought teens slept for ages. she stays quiet. i know there is things people dont want to talk about so i dont push it. 

'you should get some rest' i suggest putting my hand on her shoulder. she flinches when i rose my hand and winces when i put it on her shoulder. thats weird. 

'okay' she says in a quiet voice scurrying back over to her "room". i sigh somethings up with that kid. downing the rest of my water i walk back to my room. trying to sleep before i have to get up in an hour. 

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