schooled evenings

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y/n pov
the shower was very refreshing. when i got out i noticed a change of clothes on the bench. they must have been natasha's as they smelled like her.

i put the outfit on it was a comfortable more casual outfit before venturing out into the halls.

this whole situation was still overwhelming. but it was nice feeling clean. i don't remember the last time i had a shower. stark didn't let water run to my floor very often.

eventually i found my way to the main area with a kitchen connecting to the lounges, dining room and tv. natasha, wanda and a younger boy a couple years older than me were there.

the brown haired boy sat on the ground infront of a coffee table with what i assume his homework spread out.

when i walked in he looked up as if i had made a loud noise and looked in my direction. i stood there staring as he tapped nat who was closer to him than wanda and pointed in my direction.

i couldnt hear what he said but when they all looked over at me i started to feel uncomfortable and out of place.

"hey hun" wanda smiles waving me over to sit next to her. slowly i joined them all on the couches.

"hi, i'm assuming your y/n im peter parker" the boy held his hand out. i looked at nat briefly and she nodded.

i shook his hand taking note of the small hole like incisions he had where your wrist bends. this boy is spider-man.

i didn't feel the need to introduce myself as he already knew who i was so i asked a question of my own.

"what are you working on" i tried to get this whole social interaction thing under control.

"homework. i get so much for no reason-" he goes on complaining about his school and teachers. i listen as it has been ages since i went to school myself.

"did you want help" i asked. after he was explaining what subject he was currently working on.

by now i had joined him on the floor sitting next to him on the shorter side of the coffee table.

nat and wanda had started their own conversation which i paid no attention to.

"not to be rude but i'm not to sure, i-it's quite hard and" i just smirk sliding his book over.

"the answer is Pr(<5) = 3/8. for that part then with that you can use it for answer this-" i pointed to various parts of the equation solving each easily in my head.

being starks daughter has its perks sometimes.

"holy mother of stark" he mumbles before smiling at me. "that's incredible. can you help me with a couple others usually i'll ask uh someone else but your better" i had a feeling he was referring to my father.

after helping peter for a while with his homework i got bored and wondered what i could do.

before i come up with anything interesting. mr rogers walks in with a couple bags of food in his hands.

"jeez ladies did you order for the entire town" he lifts the bags onto the bench unpacking the various dishes from the thai place. peter got up rushing over to food while i looked at wanda waiting to see if i was allowed to go over.

she smiles and holds her hand out. i let her lead me over to the table and i notice it's a bunch of rice and noodle dishes.

"those ones are rice noodles so you can eat those. obviously the rice as well. those 3 have nuts in them so don't eat them please." she explains mindful of my allergies.

"thank you" i say quietly and more and more people started coming into the room for food as if they were summoned.

"you better get in quick." nat whispers in my ear snatching a dish from barton who was about to take some.

realising everyone was going all man for them selves i grabbed a rice noodle dish.

it's had chicken and vegetables with wide and flat noodles. and there was chilli pieces and a sauce of some kind in it.

whatever it was called it smelled really good. peter handed me a bottle of water. and we escaped the adults out to the balcony.

"your really smart for being 13 y/n" he says eating his food.

"starks genes i guess" i shrug.

"well at least you don't have to go to school" he laughs. but i just think about it.

"i want to go." i shrugged "having a bit of normality you know" i explain an peter nods.

"i get what you mean school is like the only normal place i go" he explains. "you should come to my school. i mean it's a highschool but im positive you could get in" he explains.

i nod thinking about it. obviously i would ah e to talk to wanda or nat. and i can't really go in with stark so i'll have to change my name aswell.

besides i just got out of there and there's a lot of people at school.


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