oh school

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not proof read. have fun

a couple days later and wanda enrolled me in school. she asked if i wanted to be put with kids my age or go to peters school so i could have a challenge. i said i didnt mind not wanting to be difficult. 

so right now i was standing outside some middle school. i had never seen so many kids my age in one spot. i turned back to nat who was on her motorcycle dropping me off before heading to shield. 

"do i have to" i sighed 

"yes you have to go to school y/n" she said before smirking "but what wanda doesnt find out cant hurt her, skip a class or two have fun" she advises

"you wernt supposed to say that were you" she just laughs shaking her head before leaving the school area, catching some attention from passing kids watching the bike and famous red hair. 

i walked into school already having memorized the layout and walked to the office where i had some meeting with the principle or deputy i dont really know. this place literally felt like a prison. im glad my mother never made me go to school. and i guess tony didnt care.

"ah y/n maximoff-" HUH, actually no that makes sense. stark wouldnt really sit very well in school. "right this way the principles ready to see you" the office lady smiled. i followed her to a door before being let in and being told to sit down across from some man. 

he had longer brown hair and a beard. his hair was gelled back and his teeth were unnaturally white. "you wouldnt happen to be related to wanda maximoff would you" he starts off the conversation. 

"no i am not related to her by blood" i said confused and he looked relived. 

"good because that woman is a danger to society, shes a monster." he said leaning forward. and i was personally offended. wanda is the kindest most selfless person there is. shes not a monster let alone a danger. well unless your not taking care of yourself. the team and i know that now. 

i stayed silent not wanting to make a bad impression as he starts telling me about the school and asking me about myself. when the first bell went he stood up saying we were done and there was a student here to show me around. 

outside the office was a kid taller than me, she had black hair cut just past her shoulders strands  around her face. "julie and you are in the same classes so she will show you around" he said before leaving. 

"sorry about him" julie appologised leading us out of the offices

"why are you sorry?" i asked genuinely confused.

"hes my dad" she sighed. "i know how he can be, especially to students" i nodded along following her to class. "so whats your name" 

"y/n. uh y/n maximoff" i said and she stopped. 

"like the quicksilver, hes cool as" julie smiled. 

"yeah, im not related to the maximoff twins tho" i explained and she nodded walking into a maths class. the teacher stopped me from sitting down to introduce me to the class and i hated it. 

during maths i was extremely bored. like this stuff is so boring and simple. maybe i should have gone to peters school. julie was beside me -since it was the only free seat- and i could tell she had no idea what was going on so once the teacher handed out the worksheets i asked if she wanted me to explain it to her as in my opinion my method is way easier. 

"so basically beacuse of the second index law you just have to put a one on top with a line then the rest of the number becomes a positive-"i finished explaining the work and she thanked me finally understanding it. 

after the interaction i looked out the window bored. but then the teacher came up to me. "look i know your new but you have to do the work okay sweetie" she clasped her hands together. 

"right sorry" i said grabbing my pen and very quickly might i add converting and answering the questions. "ms here" i said as she had only taken two steps from our desk. 

"see look who needs help" but when she looked at the sheet her jaw dropped. "you cheated" i like audibly sighed. 


hours later at lunch i had just got a side of fruit as there wasnt many options and i couldnt be bothered dying later. julie and 2 other girls came over to me. "can we sit with you" one of her friends asked. i nodded not having a problem with it. 

"so how are you so smart if you didnt go to school" the other girl says. before getting cut off by julie 

"you cant just say that-" they kinda bicker for a second before i cut in. 

"no its fine, i was homeschooled for like most of my life however i havent been to school for like 5 years" 

"uh lucky" the girl with dark brown almost black hair said, i nodded not interested in eating anymore. 

"im kaylee, thats zee"  the lighter brunette introduced. i nodded as it seemed they already knew my name. we talked about anything really and i got to know them more. to be honest i didnt like kaylee that much. she says somethings that are off i guess but i dont want to be rude or anything so i stayed quiet. 

school finished and i left that building as soon as i could. that was hell. nat was there on her bike again and she passed me my helmet. i got on the back waving to julie who had her jaw slacked. wrapping my arms around nat she quickly sped off. god this woman drives fast.


lowkey forgot about this story

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