hacked school

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"hey y/n want me to swing you to school?" peter asked coming in wearing yet another shirt with some dumb science pun. 

"yeah sure" i agreed taking a sip of my juice. wanda walked in a dressing gown wrapped around her and her hair down. i saw as nats eyes followed the woman around the kitchen as the sokovian made conversation with everyone. 

"y/n/n exited for another day at school? is it how you thought" she asked with a warm smile. 

"its really boring if im being honest. but its interesting to be around a bunch of kids my age, a lot of unessacary interactions if you ask me" i said swinging my legs under the bench. 

"tell me about it" peter said grabbing his maths homework off the table. stuffing it into his bag not really caring about it getting crinkled. he said we were leaving in 10 minutes so i went to get changed into something decent because middle school kids are mean. not that i care i just want to be in the background of things. 

i shoved a couple of books and one of my dads laptops in my bag as well as a bottle of water before meeting peter on the roof. "you ready?" he said coming up with his suit on and other clothes stuffed in his backpack.

"please dont drop me" i said wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. 

"would i ever" he joked jumping off the tower with absolutely no warning. i squeezed my eyes shut not daring to look around. "ill drop you off about a street away so its not suspicious!" he shouted over the wind. i just nodded in his shoulder waiting for solid land. as much as this is fun it feels a lot different after having been woken up half an hour ago. 

we stopped moving and i detached from the spiderling taking a deep breath "yeah i dont think im gonna swing with you in the mornings from now on" i said "im definitely awake though" 

"youll get used to it" peter laughed "ill see you after school" he said before swinging to his school. i began walking the little distance to my school it wasnt far and i could see the more kids and dropoffs further up the street. 

i prepared myself for another draining day of being around people and walked in the school gates. taking a seat at one of the tables outside i pull out my laptop to try and hack something for fun.

ive done NASA several times but i feel like doing it again just to see whats changed. like im practically an employee at this point. i know the ins and outs of protocols and buildings its all really interesting. 

"whatcha doing" i hear someone saw sneaking up beside me. "woah is that inside NASA" 

i look over my shoulder and see julie sitting beside me, zee and another girl i dont know were sitting around the other side. 

"uh yeah" i said closing my laptop. 

"respect" zee said to me before laughing at something the mystery girl said. 

"this is jumaneh" julie introduced her. i nodded saying hello before we all started talking about whatever. 

"yeah and get this, my dad just got promoted at stark industries so hes taking us on a trip to hawaii like the island" she said excitedly. my face turned cold and the air was sucked from my lungs as i herd the name. im being dramatic its my name too but they dont know that. what they know is tony stark is a rich guy who does good. 

"so what do your parents do y/n" jumaneh asks after she finished talking about her dads promotion.  julie knocked my shoulder and i zoned back in. 

"uh my mums... dead. and my dads a big boss at his own company" i said. scratching at my nails again. 

"so yall are rich then nice. sorry about your mum tho" jumaneh added. it seems to me all this girl thinks about is money. zee and julie shared a look before another chick came and joined us. 

"zee my guy how are you" kaylee laughed trying to be funny. she didnt even acknowledge anyone else at the table. 

"kayleeeeee" zee dragged on with a smile. i literally got saved by the bell and got up putting my laptop in my bag. i belived i had physics. well science but were doing physics right now. 

"so how did you hack NASA" julie asked walking beside me. i honestly forgot we were in all the same classes. 

"i dunno, its quite easy to, i hack stuff all the time" i shrugged. 

"could you hack the school?" she wondered. 

"probably" i said taking a seat in class. we continued talking and i found myself actually laughing. it was weird since i had just met julie but shes such an extrovert shes easy to talk to. plus she knows like everyone in the school. 

the science teacher walks in and he looks like someone you dont want to mess with. "shit we have a sub" i hear julie say. okay so this isnt the science teacher then. 

"good morning class. i am mr watts and if we are going to get along you guys will not make a sound while im talking" the guy wrote his name on the board and spun back around to a class clown called kayden mimicking him. 

i rolled my eyes blocking out the yelling as the teacher begins to teach the class. soundwaves bla bla bla radiation. 

-----------time skip half an our later

we were then told to continue on with our assignments and i didnt have one but i couldnt be bothered to ask schools useless anyway. so i pulled out my laptop deciding what else to hack into. 

"try stark industries" julie suggested as if she read my mind knowing what i was doing. 

"too easy i practically made those firewalls" i laughed 

"do the school then" she urged. i rolled my eyes deciding to do it. she went back to her research assignment and i decided to mess around a bit while having access to the whole school. 

"are they... teachers. ew" i said tilting my computer to julie who only gasped and nodded. taking a photo on her phone. they were making out in the school bathroom. ew.

"OI you two, no copying" mr watts yelled at us. making the class go dead silent looking at us. we stifled our laughter while i went through the schools data. this could be an invasion of privacy but the school should do better with their firewalls. 

"oh what a cutie" i said pulling up julies grade 6 school photo from when she first went to this school. she really had changed. in the photo she had long black hair but now it seems she had chopped it off at her shoulders. 

"oh my god stop" she deleted the file making me laugh. maybe being around people my age wasnt that bad. even if the majority of them were annoying. 

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