unexpected dinners

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tw mention of s3lf h@rm

y/n pov

'so have you contacted your parents do you need to go home by a certain time tomorrow' natasha asks me and i just shake my head

" no i don't have a phone, they will be out till late in the morning anyway so i just need to get home before 11am i guess before they wake up" in reality that was when my dad wanted me to start the chores

"here you can use my phone if you'd like" natasha offered

"oh no it's okay ms romanoff they know i'm always safe and make the right choices" i tell her crossing my legs up on the chair. she just nods and puts her phone back in her pocket

we talk for a bit until jarvis said the delivery guy was here

"oh i forgot we ordered food, oh well let's feast" nat laughs sending them up. wanda walks back into the room holding a red bag

"may i" she asks opening the bag. i just nod seeing what she will do. she grabs a wipe from the bag and moves closer to me before speaking "this may sting" she warns and i nod. with that she wipes the cut on my face from when the piece flew up into it. not gonna lie it stung like a bitch but i was used to the pain so i sat there making a fist with my hand. she finishes cleaning it sticking paper stitches to speed the healing.

wanda puts out an arm for my hand so i raise it. she does the same thing disinfecting it however the cut on my hand was way deeper and only just stopped bleeding. she grabs a bandage from the bag and asks "can i roll up your sleeve" i wasn't thinking straight and agreed


she rolls up my sleeve and hesitates slightly when she notices the faded lines that were drew with silver but came out red. wounds that were always a reminder of my problems. they weren't fresh a month maybe

tw over

nevertheless she wraps my hand probably it looks like we went to a hospital it was that neat.

"thank you" i whisper she smiles and kisses my head

"proud of you, it's no problem" she then walks over to pay the delivery guy

"dinner is served" ms romanoff announced plating the cooked meal as well as taking the take out or of the bag.

i just sat there a bit overwhelmed at the amount of food the last time this much food was on the table was when i was with my mother and that was yearsssss ago

"you can eat as much as you want" wanda says smiling while rubbing my arm. i smile and just grab a small plate for now. ms romanoff frowned a bit but didn't say anything. with that i started eating.

a couple minutes later a phone starts ringing and nat pulls her phone out answering the facetime

"rat" she says

"i am offended, and it's hairless mole rat to you," they laugh and i freeze not wanting tony to find out i'm here he would for sure kill me and i knew they were all on the same mission.

"how's the mission" she asks

"good but private school guys are mean. steve has lost all self esteem i'm on the path to it. tony's ego is crushed" clint chuckles as does wanda and nat "how as your misson"

"good yeah nothing bad happened very simple really" nat answers

"wanda?" clint asks knowing something else

"deep gash half a meter long down her back" wanda answers casually

"just wait till laura hears about that" clint laughs

" I SWEAR TO GOD BIRD MAN IF YOU TELL YOUR WIFE YOUR KIDS WILL ME FATHERLESS" nat said slightly raising her voice which i flinch at. i don't think the others noticed. while they were distracted i moved my plate around so it looked like i had eaten some more food when really i had only eaten a couple bites.

i was hungry if i'm honest but i felt bad for intruding their obviously well deserved night off. i just wanted to get out of here.

they finish their call and apologise after i insist it was fine and take another bite.

wanda's pov
i notice y/n had only eaten a couple bites even though she moved her plate which i noticed to make it look like she ate more. i really needed her to eat a bit more.

"c-can i be excused" she asked almost afraid to ask to do something as if she has always been told what to do.

"a couple more bites than you can go lay down" i say she looks at me for a second back at her plate than up at me "can you try half" i say she nods going to eat half her plate.

(wanda natasha)

she's only had like 3 bites

that's not much what are you thinking

she seems to always wait until instructed, she's scared to ask for things, she flinched when you raised your voice, all the signs are there

you really think?


nat looks at me for a second before going back to her meal and i know we will be talking about this later. i look back to y/n and see she has eaten half but is still looking at her plate.

"do you want any more" nat asks before i get the chance. y/n looks up surprised before shaking her head

"no i'm alright thanks" she smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes

"okay i'll show you to your room" i say getting up she nods standing up we walk away from the main area and down the halls to the bedrooms

"just wait here a second" i say walking into my room my door is wide open so she can see me the entire time. i go into my wardrobe and call out to her. " do you get cold at night easily hun"

"uh i g-guess" she says a bit unsure so i get a hoodie and shorts walking back out i pass her the clothes.

" follow me"

y/n pov
we walk a couple more doors down until she pushes open another room turning the lights on she explains a couple things opening a door to the bathroom explaining i can have a shower if i want and stuff

"if you need anything you can ask friday or just come get us from our rooms you remember where mine was and natasha's is just across the hall. help yourself to anything form the kitchen if you need. and i will see you in the morning" wanda smiles closing the door behind her

when i hear her footsteps leave i check the door opens not sure i want to be locked in a room and when it does i leave it open just a bit as a reminder i'm not trapped.

after my shower i go to lay down in bed. wanda's hoodie smelled really nice like honey and vanilla. under the blankets it was so warm not to mention this bed was the best thing ever.

i go to sleep feeling good about the fact that i most likely won't get woken up by being tazed

servant daughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora