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"oi fuck tards, any of you know about stanks daughter" i ask barging into the main area where everyone was relaxing on the couches with food and a movie playing. 

"who pissed in you coffee" clint mumbles and i throw a glass vase at his head already pissed. 

"stark has a kid?" steve questions shocked. i nod

"so no one knew about this?" everyone shakes their heads. 

"what do you know about this kid" 

"that she doesnt fucking deserve to have experienced what she has. you all know that abandoned floor none of us are allowed on, yeah he's kept her locked up there for who knows how long, its not good conditions everythings broken and rusty not something to to spend your childhood in. its pathetic really." i huff running a hand through my hairs "starks a fucking shit father" i mumble 

"wait nat abandoned floor, is it y/n?" wanda asks putting the pieces together

"how do you know her" bruce asks 

"she stayed here a night while you boys were on your mission we found her on the floor but stark said she was an employee" wanda continues explaining. 

"where is he" clint asked. he always has a soft spot for kids. im pretty sure he's a foster carer, i know laura is. 

"tied up downstairs do with him what you wish, imma check on the kid" 

"wait can we meet her" bruce asks 

"maybe later, she's still shaken up" i explain and the team nods. i hear them conversing about the kid as i walked away. 

when i walk into my room i see y/n simply sitting in bed staring at the blank wall in front of her. she didnt even notice me walking into the room. only reacting when i put a hand on her shoulder, she flinched away looking at me briefly before staring at the wall again.

i sit next to her we sit in silence but i can tell she relaxed as i sat down. i guess she liked the feeling of not being alone in the room. 

"you can do something y'know. you dont have to just sit there for me" she speaks up turning to look at me. i smile softly before getting an idea. 

"why dont we play a board game" i question she perks up slightly and smiles 

"i'd like that" she smiles still talking only loud enough for me to hear. 

"anything in particular?" i asked going towards my cupboard where i keep the games. for when wanda was having a rough night, yelena needed some time for just us or if clints kids were round. 

"there's monopoly, game of life, jenga, battleship, chess, scrabble" i list wanting to give her options 

"can we play scrabble, i know its kinda like an old peoples game but its something my mum and i used to play" she explains. 

"finally no one ever wants to play it with me" i laugh grabbing the game. y/n moves to the floor we could have played on the bed but i didnt mind. we set up the game picking our letters and beginning the game

i make the word boobs and y/n laughs. it was really nice to hear her laugh. after a couple more funny words we get back into the game finding really good words. 

y/n ends up making the word questionable from my word question and because of the 10 points off the Q that landed her a shit ton of points. 

a couple minutes later wanda busts into the room making y/n panic, "shit sorry y/n but uh nat can i talk to you for a second" she says urgently. i quickly get up walking over. 

"tonys gone" she whispered 

"WHAT" i say louder than i shoud've y/n looks up at us confused "you stay here im hunting down that asshole" 

wandas pov

clint and steve come back from going to tony and they seem panicked "what" i question 

"hes gone" clint says 

"gone as in what, dead" bruce asked 

"no like he left" steve explains further 


"his suit is gone to" 

"oh great, well ill just track that, wanda i suggest you go tell nat so she can clean her guns, or probably knives you know how she is with people that hurt kids" i nod rushing to nats room, realising a second to late that y/n could be in here and me barging in would probably scare her. 

nat runs away and i go slowly over to sit infront of y/n 

"what happened" she asked. what do i say to her. i dont want to lie, its her father she should know. but is it to soon. 

"uh" i hesitate 

"wanda people haven't told me shit all my life please" she pleads

"tony is missing" i say and she tears up "but we can find him easily he took his suit" i try and provide a bit of comfort even though i can tell what shes thinking without having to read her mind. her face, especially her eyes, say it all. 

she looks down fiddling with the letters on her rack. 

"its my fault isnt it?" 


this book aint even to bad bro, i may write for it and publish more often. 

servant daughterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ