16 - Andrew | Imagine actually talking on the phone. The Horror.

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'It's not funny, James!'

I glared at his weird expression. He looked like he was trying not to laugh.

'I didn't say it was funny.'

He was trying so hard to keep a straight face. It was so rude; I didn't laugh about his arachnophobia.

'I just,' he paused to hide a smile, 'I just don't think you have to worry about that.'

'I just don't get how people can believe in things so wholeheartedly with no proof,' I grumbled.

'Of course, I wouldn't believe in anything without proof either.' He shrugged offhandedly, as if he had all the proof in the world.

'It's technically not believing if there's proof,' I pointed out, 'And even if heaven does exist, I'm screwed either way because I can't go there!'

'You can't go there?' James looked incredibly serious all of a sudden. His eyes narrowed calculatingly as he stared at me, shifting from turquoise to an almost crimson glint.

I blinked and it was gone.

'Um, according to the uh- scripture, I guess, I've sinned by not believing... but I can't make myself believe.'

'That's a terrible misconception. The only requirements are to be a good person.'

'I don't pray either,' I argued, 'And there's nothing stopping me; I just don't feel like doing it.'

'Praying doesn't make you a good person,' he replied shortly.

'Do you think I'm a good person?'

He sighed at that and rubbed his temples tiredly while I chewed my lip and wondered why he was taking so long to answer.

'Let's just say, that if hell had a one-to-ten scale of how difficult it would be to corrupt a human soul, with one being the easiest and ten being the most difficult; then you would be a ten.'

That was a very specific scenario he had just come up with- Wait, did he just rate me a ten? I fell into a thoughtful silence, trying to recall the exact context it had been said in.

He mistook my silence for worry and gave my hair an awkward pat. I swatted his hand away before he could start saying 'There, there.'

'Would you feel better if I go get my homework and come back? I've written down all the questions, but I haven't started yet either so we can do it together.'

'Oh! Do you live near here?' I asked in relief, realizing that at least one problem would be easily solved. I didn't even know anyone's phone number to call and ask for the questions.

And even if I did, I would hate to call. Imagine actually talking on the phone. The HORROR.

'Sort of,' he smiled.

'I'll just come with you,' I suggested, 'You don't have to walk all the way back then.'

'No, I can bring it here. It's not far off.'

'Oh well, I can walk with you anyway,' I said brightly, hopping off the bed, 'Come on, it'll be funner than going alone.'

He stared at me with mixed emotions and I stared back confused

'Andrew,' he said darkly, 'You can't come where I'm going.'

And then he was gone.

I sighed and started cleaning up my room. Yes, I saw the disgust with which he looked at it. Honestly, I don't think it looks that bad... he's probably one of those neat freaks who doesn't even have empty food cartons lying around.

I plucked a sock that was sitting on my monkey plushies head and threw it onto the proper heap of laundry. It looked much neater at the corner of the room than on Monkey's head; that's his name.

I unceremoniously dumped all my stuff back in the drawers and crammed as much as I could into the cupboards before I force-shut the door. In a spur of the moment decision I decided to make the bed as well.

I flung the sheet over it and it floated right off. I started tucking it in on one side to see that the other side had just gotten untucked. I gripped the corners with both hands and did a big star jump on to the bed; and my mom walked in.

'Are you cleaning?' she asked, in excitement and glee.

'I'm trying,' I grumbled, trying to use my feet as well as my hands so that I could tuck in all four corners at once.

'What's the occasion?'

'Why does there have to be an occasion for me to clean?'

'I hope you haven't invited a girl over.'

'What? No!' I exclaimed, spinning around to face her.

She frowned and suspiciously narrowed her eyes at me. I could feel the heat rushing to my face and turning it quite red.

'Where's James?' she asked suddenly.

'He went to-

'Did your mess scare him away?'

'No!' I glared. Did it?

'I don't mind your friends coming over Andrew, but you know the rule. No girls allowed.'

She frowned at me again before she left and I flopped down on the bed. The side I had just tucked in got pulled out and The Void crawled out from under it.

Did I just jump on The Void and almost smother it with the sheets? I did feel a lump earlier but I just jumped on it to smoothen it out, thinking I had a lumpy mattress.

The kitten just stuck it tongue out at me and then jumped from the bed and straight into the dustbin. The Void was trapped. Confined within the plastic. It hit the side with its paw and the bin tilted a little but not enough to get out. The Void stared up at me petulantly and mewed.

I reached down to help it out, but before I could, the kitten ran really fast into the wall of the bin and knocked it over, letting all the contents spill out along with it.

I pondered that The Void was very strong and healthy already, for a kitten that was rescued from the gutters just a couple days ago. I don't think I squished it that much so I guess it's fine. Luckily, I'm not that heavy.

How often do y'all clean your room, be honest.
I don't even move, I'm like sitting in bed all day... so where does the mess even come from

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