41 - James | Letters in the sky

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A/n: soundtrack for this chapter^ c:

'Andrew. No.'

He stared at me unwaveringly. 'I want to come with you.' His jet-black eyes narrowed as they flashed with a glint of determination.

I shook my head firmly, not giving in. 'Hell is no place for someone like you.'

'It's not the place for you either, James. Not anymore.'

I sighed. 'But I'll be okay there. And I'll be back before you know it.'

'I'm just... worried about you.'

'I'm an Angel now, Andrew.' I smiled, trying to put him at ease. 'They can't hurt me or lock me up; I can open a gateway to heaven from wherever I am.'

'But then, why hasn't Marie?' he asked, dark eyes shimmering, 'If they could trap her they could trap you too.'

'I don't know how they're keeping her,' I admitted, 'But you know I have to go. She needs me.'

'I know.' He gulped, taking a tiny step towards me. 'I just want you to know that... I need you too.'

Before I could process what he had said, Andrew was kissing me.

And up until that moment, I didn't know if I had existed at all.

His lips clung to mine, sweet like caramel. The world around me blurred and drowned to nothingness, my face so close to his that all I could see was the faint flush creeping up his cheeks.

My mind was a haze. A cloud that's been scattered into a million specks of fluff by a jet zooming through, spelling "I love you" in the sky.

My breathing faltered and ceased completely as the imagined writing imprinted itself in my mind. Its cursive letters flowed in arcs and curves, dipping and rising in sync with my heartbeat. The zooming jet echoed the sound of my racing heart, seeming to whisper the very words it wrote. Those three little words thrumming and reverberating so intensely within me, that my entire body froze for a second.

Andrew pulled away as quickly as he'd leaned in.

When he moved away it was as if my center of gravity had shifted. Like the only thing holding me on earth had plummeted off the edge of a cliff. During the few seconds Andrew had been kissing me he had altered my very atoms, stealing my spinning electrons and ionizing each one of them till they fused with his own.

He had defied all laws of physics, making himself the shining sun in the center of my universe.

Andrew's hands flew up to cover his mouth as heat rushed to his face, turning it scarlet. 'I'm sorry, I didn't—I don't know why I did that. I thought you... I mean, I— didn't think at all. I didn't mean to do that.' His voice wobbled unsteadily, giving him away.

His breathing came out fast and hard, almost to the point of hyperventilating. Lightheaded, I realized I had been holding my own breath. I couldn't remember how to inhale; it seemed too insignificant a thing to consider.

There was only one thing on my mind. I was addicted to the taste of his lips.

My voice came out rough, a hoarse whisper. 'Kiss me again.'

Andrew's face lit with the sweetest, heart-melting smile as the words left my lips. The stars in his eyes danced and glittered and my knees went weak immediately. His arms slipped around me, holding me up as his chest pressed close to my erratically fluttering heart. I felt the rapid rise and fall of it as it finally reminded me how to start breathing.

This time I closed my eyes.

He leaned towards me slowly, his cool breath fanning over my face as soft lips gently brushed against mine. My thoughts were empty of all else, overflowing with the sweetness of melted caramel and the incandesce of shooting stars at midnight.

I pulled his face closer to mine, my fingers weaving through in his long, curly hair as the kiss deepened. He dipped his tongue in, tracing lightly along mine like soft raindrops. My lips parted with a soft gasp at the sensation as my heart threatened to go into cardiac arrest.

'So, um... can I come now?' Andrew asked teasingly, pulling away for a moment.

'No.' I smiled, leaning in till my lips barely touched the side of his mouth. 'I'll be back soon though.'

He pouted adorably. 'I thought I'd convinced you. Wouldn't you rather I come?'

'I think you just did the exact opposite of convince me.' I kissed his cheek softly, letting my fingers tangle in his messy curls. 'Hell's a place you'll never have to see.'

He sighed, letting out an exasperated breath. 'Oh alright, fine. But one thing before you go, Angel.'

'Yeah?' I asked, the nickname springing an embarrassed blush on my cheeks as it smoothly rolled off his tongue.

'I love you.'

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