Football Game

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Jezzabelle Johnson

"It's already been 2 months of our college year as freshman's and we're already going to be cheering for the homecoming football game. I'm so excited!"

I smiled at Cindy's excited expression while she was fixing her make up in the cheerleading locker room.

Damn. 2 months, already?

As much as I was happy about completing 2 months of school already, I was also to busy thinking about the past 2 months of me sneaking around behind my best friend's back with her older brother.

Damn Cole and his infatuating ways!

One minute I'm practicing millions of scenarios in my head about how I'm going to stop seeing him because of how tiring it is for me to keep secrets from my best friend but as soon I'm in front of him, my morals and my clothes are gone.

Honestly I could care less about who I'm sleeping around with since I started having casual sex with guys at the startling young age of 16, yes I'm a hoe with no morals, but now that I'm having casual sex with Cole more likely than I want is freaking me out.

I'm still dating Leo, yes I'm even more of a hoe now, but Cole being Cole doesn't really give a fuck about who I'm with just as long as I still end up sleeping in his bed at the end of the night.

Although Cole said he didn't want me to break up my relationship with Leo, he had his moments when he would still try to nag me about leaving him sometimes or tell me while we're in the heat of the moment that he wants me to belong to him. Some caveman possessive type of shit, I guess.

Anyways! Besides the sex, he still was a great friend to me before he went to juvy and prison. And ever since he came back he has been reminding me so much of how great our friendship used to be before he got locked up.

He's been taking me out to places he remembered we used to like going to together as kids and then I'd take him out to new places he hasn't been to since he's been in the pin.

It was like we were going on mini adventures together and then having some steamy fun afterwards like a little reward after the tiring day of being together.

Strangely, Cindy and Leo haven't noticed our relationship at all.

Leo has been to caught up with what he says is school, football and his new job at his dads company. While Cindy on the other hand was to busy with school, cheer leading and of course her boyfriend that loves to take up her time and day.

I thought by now they both would've caught up with what me and Cole were doing since we weren't exactly so secretive. I mean we literally had sex in a bunch of places we could've been caught since Cole was such a exhibitionist, he claims that I was the one who had that kink because he hasn't had sex in public with anyone else besides me and he didn't start liking it till after we started doing it, but I'm pretty sure he was the one that started it considering the places that he himself asked me to do it with him in public places before I even could deny the offer.

We did it in his car before we go to school and sometimes after school in the parking lot, then there was during break between our classes when he'd shove me into the janitors closet or an empty classroom, then there was the movie theaters where he purposely ditched his blind date that Cindy tried to hook him up with only to drag me to the back of the theaters where there were empty seats and fucked me right under the light box flashing towards the big screen in front of where Leo, Cindy, Nate, and his blind girlfriend were sitting.

His house on the other hand has already been devilishly blessed so many times, although it was a large house with multiple rooms, he managed to bang me on each and every surface in there while his parents and Cindy were gone. I honestly felt bad for the cleaning ladies and maids in their house that had to clean up after how much of a mess Cole likes to leave around.

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